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Hannibal: This is eh, B.A. Baracus, this is Templeton Peck, Faceman, this is Howlin’ Mad Murdock. And ehm, I am Hannibal Smith. We are the A-team.
[43. Showdown! - seizoen 3]
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Amy: Who are they?
Zack: The leader is a colonel named... John Smith. But everybody calls him Hannibal. The guy has a very unortodox style.
Amy: Not bad. Who else?
Zack: Bosco Baracus. Known as B.A... for Bad Attitude. The man is a mechanical genious. He also has one of the worst conduct records in the army. He likes to slug officers.
Amy (bij het zien van Face’ dossier): Now, this is more like it.
Zack: Templeton Peck, known as the Faceman. In and out of trouble, an orphan from L.A. This guy is mister Ricky Ticky, a conman, a real operator.
And that’s the unit.
[01. Mexican Slayride - seizoen 1]
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Stockwell: Do it... my way.
[Bijna elke aflevering in seizoen 5 - seizoen 5]
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Seizoen 1

Amy: Who are they?
Zack: The leader is a colonel named... John Smith. But everybody calls him Hannibal. The guy has a very unortodox style.
Amy: Not bad. Who else?
Zack: Bosco Baracus. Known as B.A... for Bad Attitude. The man is a mechanical genious. He also has one of the worst conduct records in the army. He likes to slug officers.
Amy (bij het zien van Face’ dossier): Now, this is more like it.
Zack: Templeton Peck, known as the Faceman. In and out of trouble, an orphan from L.A. This guy is mister Ricky Ticky, a conman, a real operator.
And that’s the unit.
[01. Mexican Slayride]
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Zack: Soldiers of fortune. Outriders who will do anything anywhere...
Amy: The A-team. Isn’t that what they call them?
Zack: Jeah.
[01. Mexican Slayride]
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B.A.: A garbage truck?!
Amy: It sure is.
Nicky: How are you gonna get our money back with a garbage truck?
Hannibal: Wait and see Nicky, wait and see. It’s nice Face. Nice.
It’s empty!?
Face: You eh, told me you wanted a garbage truck. Do you know what I went throuh to get this garbage truck?
Hannibal: Well, I didn’t say I wanted it empty! Now what good is it empty?
Face: Yeah well, how am I supposed to know that?
Hannibal: Face, I need garbage! And I don’t just mean any garbage.
Face: Nah, you need a specific kind of garbage.
Hannibal: When I say garbage, I mean garbage. Dirty garbage!
Amy: Most garbage is dirty Hannibal, that’s why they call it garbage.
Murdock: Oh, he means real garbage.
B.A.: Only a sucker like you would understand garbage!
[08. The Out-Of-Towners]
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Amy: Hannibal’s plans never work right. They just work.
[09. West Coast Turnaround]
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Seizoen 2

Tekst op een briefje in een fles:
Lobster are red,
Water is blue.
Put up your hands,
And look behind you.
[21. There's Always a Catch]
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Seizoen 3

Hannibal: This is eh, B.A. Baracus, this is Templeton Peck, Faceman, this is Howlin’ Mad Murdock. And ehm, I am Hannibal Smith. We are the A-team.
[43. Showdown!]
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Seizoen 4

Aw, Hannibal, is this one of your plans supposed to go down 1, 2, 3? You always forget 4, 5 and 6.
[68. There Goes the Neighbourhood]

(Murdock probeert het slot van een winkel open te maken)
Murdock: Ehm, Face usually does this. It looks easy, but...
Boy George: Oh well, hold on. I got a bobby.
Murdock: A bob... Oh... See, a really honest man doesn’t have an appetite for this kind of thing.
Boy George: Yeah but who needs honesty?!
(Boy George breekt met een flinkt trap de deur open)
[74. Cowboy George]
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Seizoen 5

Stockwell: Do it... my way.
[Bijna elke aflevering in seizoen 5]
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Stockwell: I trust you’re all acquainted with the Jaguar?
Frankie: Jaguar? Oh yes, yes. Six or twelve cilinder?
Hannibal: No, he’s talking about a terrorist, Frank.
[92. The Spy Who Mugged Me]
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