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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 14:40:26  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 18-1-2006
Berichten: 2768
Woonplaats: somewhere in orbit.


Two hillbillies are getting out of the elevator at the V.A. and walk up to the counter. The eldest, dressed in a camouflage suit, addresses the receptionist, a pretty young lady.

Hillbilly 1
Hey there, pretty lady. We’re looking for a fellow by the name of Murdock.

Are you friends of Murdock?

Hillbilly 1
Friends? Yes ma’am. We’re real good buddies of Murdock.

Mr. Murdock’s in room 104. Down the hall and on your right.

They thank her and start walking into the indicated direction. Murdock is playing a computer game. There’s a sign on his door reading “Do not disturb”. The younger man laughs.

Hillbilly 2
He don’t want to be disturbed, huh Royco.

Royco, the eldest of the two men shoots the lock out of the door and Murdock jumps over his bed and finds cover behind it. He continues to play his game while doing so. The youngest walks up to him.

Hillbilly 2
Come on, let’s go!

Murdock keeps on playing, but he’s confused.
Why did you just blow holes in my door?

Shut the hell up! I’m telling you this just once, by the way. Keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told or they’ll be picking you off the wall. Got it?

Murdock is forced to come along and the attendants and nurses, who are coming down the hall to see what all the noise is about, are threatened with a shotgun. Royco fires at the ceiling.

On the floor!
He bangs the elevator door with his rifle.
Open up!
The younger one pushes Murdock into the elevator. Just moments later a pick-up truck leaves the parking place of the V.A. Inside are the two kidnappers with Murdock in between. In the back of the truck is an Indian sitting, he’s holding a rifle.

Face is talking to the nurse who sent the Hillbillies to Murdock’s room. He is wearing a doctor’s coat.

What happened here?

It was horrible! There was nothing we could do! It was frightening, really frightening. I thought we were all gonna be killed.

Oh, just calm down. Just relax. Really, you were very, very good through this.

He hugs her comforting.

Tell me, what exactly have you told the police? I mean, what did the men look like?

They were just two big guys. They talked like Hillbillies. I’ve called the military, they’re on their way.

Face startled
You…..called the….. military…..I’m sure the police will ask you some more questions, but really, I must be going.

He rushes to the elevator and slams the button to open the door. As it does, it reveals Decker and several MP’s. They stare at each other in disbelieve for a second.



Decker reaches for his gun and Face runs down the hall.
After him!

A door opens and about eight doctors come
walking down the hall which Face just entered. At first the MP’s run by them, but then they turn around and check the doctors out, looking at their faces closely. Face isn’t among them.

Decker to captain Crane
Peck must still be in here.

They run through the doors, pushing aside a man behind a laundry-cart. One MP holds the man and starts to search the laundry. Suddenly Face jumps out of the cart and knocks the soldier out. He then turns to the laundryman and shakes his hand.


The laundryman just stands there, frozen in amazement.

We switch over to a movie set. Face is talking to the head of the Aquamaniac, which sticks out of the window of a trailer.

I’m telling you, Hannibal, they tore the whole floor apart. Scared everyone on duty half to death.

These guys who took Murdock, man, they have shotguns. Who knows what they might do to him. We got to go after them now!

Hannibal sticks his head out of the trailer, next to the Aqua maniacs, he’s buttoning down his shirt.
Yeah, but which way? We haven’t got a direction.

You think this is Deckers way of drawing us out?

Two Hillbillies with shotguns, that’s not Decker’s style.

What are we gonna do, Hannibal? They might kill him.

If they were gonna kill him, they could have done it at the hospital. I’ve got a feeling they want him alive.

Yeah, and they’re probably trying to make contact with us.

Yeah, but the only number Murdock knows is of the mobile phone in the Van.

He sees a co-worker on the movie coming up to the trailer.

O-oh, let’s go!

The co-worker knocks on the door of the trailer.
Okay Smith, we’ve got the shots setup. We’re waiting for you.
He knocks on the door again. It opens and Hannibal steps out.
Okay, see. Here’s where you grab the girl and drag her back to the nest where the Eucalyptus tree is.
Hannibal hands him the gloves that look like monster claws.
What are you doing? Where are you going?

I think it’ll fit, but the pants leak.

Hannibal walks to the Van. The co-worker is following him.

Wait a minute! We got to set up this shot. You can’t go off like this!

Face holds the man back.

Kid, kid, kid, kid, kid. Put him on report….. Again!

He shuts up when he finds himself talking to the air.

Meanwhile, in the pick-up, Murdock is rattling on, getting on the nerves of the abductors.
All I asked you is how much further it is.

Hillbilly 2
You haven’t stopped since we left the hospital.

We’re going out of state, aren’t we? Then this is a long drive. I hate long drives. I get so nausea in it. Can we turn on the flow for ventilation or something? Look, why don’t you watch your speed over there! You guys aren’t wearing your seatbelts. Why aren’t you wearing your seatbelts?

Hillbilly 2
Murdock’s getting on his nerves.
Just stop, man! You’ve been going on for two hours. What are you, crazy?

Getting angry.
Of course I’m crazy. You got me out of the psychiatric ward of a VA hospital, stupid!

Hey! You know what I do to guys that won’t shut up? I take some piano wire and sow their lips together.

That would hurt!

And it would take only a minute. Think about that!

Murdock holds his hands over his face and finally shuts up.
The pick-up reaches its destination: a detached house in the woods. The men get out and Murdock starts talking again.
My jacket didn’t have wrinkles in it before. And look at my ******* robe. It got all dirty. I’ve got to get them cleaned. Do you have a laundryman ‘round here? I know I saw one. But I don’t have any decent change. Cause all I got is a quarter and I know it’s at least thirty-five cents for a flush dry. And I’m hungry. You didn’t get me any burgers or fries…..

That’s all the hillbillies can take. The youngest wants to attack Murdock to shut him up, but Royco and the Indian are holding him back. There’s a lot of screaming. Murdock is watching all this in played amazement.
I’ve never seen anything like this.

Father stepping out of the house
That’s enough! You boys settle back!
Explaining to Murdock
These are my two boys. They get really excited sometimes. You’re Murdock, eh? I’ve sure heard a lot about you.

You heard about me? I don’t know about me. What do you know about me?

Well….. Two tours in ‘Nam, Silver Star, three unit citations, wounded twice. Best * U.H. chopper pilot we had.

I don’t mean to be pushy, but what a….. what a….. what am I doing here? I…..?

You see, me and my two boys and the Indian here, we’re bounty hunters. Yeah, the best there is! There’s three men out there someplace, calls themselves the A-team. The army is offering a big reward on them. Dead or alive.

Murdock (as if he doesn’t understand)
The A-team?

And you’re gonna help us catch ‘em. Get him in the house!

Murdock (slightly hysterical)
Catch what? The A-team? I don’t know what you’re talking about! Bounty hunters, the A-team. Bounty hunters! This A-team! I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m just a guy from a mental ward!

He’s forced on a chair and the father addresses the Indian.

Tie him up!

The Indian does so and while he’s busy, the two brothers check out the rifles, getting them ready for use…Murdock keeps talking to the Indian.

You know you look like Chippewa. You Chippewa? No, you’re not Chippewa, you’re Chumash. Chumash! No, the Chumash, they roam California. You ain’t Chumash, you’re Cheyenne. You Cheyenne? (To the father) Does he always stare like that?

The Indian? Yeah, when he’s mad!

We’re gonna do the A-team

Murdock is worried about this. He sure doesn’t want to be the instrument to lure them in.

We’re gonna do it when I say we’re gonna do it! I’ve been collecting on bounties for thirty-five years now and I know what I’m doing. And this A-team bounty is the one I’ve been waiting for all my life and I aim to see that everything goes just right.

We’ll get them, daddy, don’t you worry.

Well, we’d better get them.
He picks up the phone and holds it in front of Murdock.
And now you’re gonna put in a call to your friends. Cause I expect they’re real concerned about you right about now.

Murdock looks at the phone as if he wants to refuse but then comes down a peg or two.
In the Van the phone rings. Hannibal picks it up.


He tries not to show his fear, but his voice is slightly trembling…..
Colonel, there’s somebody here who wants to talk to you.

Yeah, we got your man here, Smith. I hear you and your boys are pretty tough.

Why do you want Murdock?

Well, it ain’t Murdock we want. It’s the three of you we’re after. The government is offering a big bounty on you and I aim to collect on it. Now, if you wanna see Murdock again, you and Peck and Baracus will come to me. Take this down; I’m only gonna say it once. Go out of town on route nine up to Bedford Falls. When you get there, go to the bar called the Hat Rack. There’s a payphone in the back of that bar. You go there and wait for my call. And remember….. Somebody is watching you every second from the minute you get into town. Now, if you don’t answer it when I call, your buddy Murdock here….. is dead meat.

Later, after following all the instructions Hannibal rushes into the bar. The phone is already ringing…. He picks it up.


Well now, howdy partner. I’m glad you could make it. I was just about to hang up and that would have made your buddy Murdock here feel right poorly.

Yeah, well…..
He’s panting and trying to catch his breath…..
I’m here. Now, what do you want?

Now you’re gonna take the road out of town, that’s what. Follow along the road till you come to Pine Crest Drive. You take a right; follow that along until you come to the junction. Take the left fork; go on till you find an abandoned camp site. There you’re gonna stop and you all gonna take off your jacket. Then you’re gonna get out of the van and put your hands in the air. If I see any of you guys packing something I’m gonna gut shoot every-one of you.

He hangs up and so does Hannibal. Hannibal checks his watch and rushes out of the bar.
After he left a man, who was sitting at the bar, gets up and goes over to the payphone. It’s the youngest brother. He dials a number.

Hillbilly 2
Hey, they just left. They’re on their way, pa.

We see BA in top of a telephone-pole, listening in on the conversation.

Good, get back home, right away.

Hannibal and Face are in the Van, Face is driving. Hannibal is talking through a walkie talkie.

Anything, BA?

Yeah, some guy used the phone right after you left. I heard him tell someone talking to him that we are on our way. I got the number: 555-2944.

Got it. Stand by, we’ll pick you up.

They race to get BA who takes over at the wheel.

We’re working against the clock. I got to get the address of this in five minutes.
He hands Face the paper with the telephone number.

Five minutes?

Don’t tell me Faceman is getting slow in his old age!

All right! All right! Five minutes. But I’m gonna have to borrow BA and his toolbox.

Me? But I’m no good in running scams!

I’m gonna do all the work. All you do is enter on cue and say what I tell you, right? It’s just like being an actor.

Hannibal turns to Face and just looks at him.

At the National Telephone Company a phone is ringing. The operator, a lady in her mid-thirties answers.

The rest she says can’t be heard because Face just entered. He is carrying a toolbox, wearing a hard hat and making tremendous noise.

Operator (to Face)
Eh….. Can I help you?

Ox leads Construction. Won’t be more than fifteen minutes.

What’s going on here?

Well, the power’s off it. We’ve got to catch in on the main cable.
He’s hammering paper crosses into the floor, folding back the carpet to succeed.

Well eh….. no-one told me about any of this.

You mean you didn’t get the paperwork of the main office?

Paperwork? No, I didn’t get anything.

The phone rings again, Face is still making a lot of noise.

Operator. Yes….. eh….. please hold, I’ll connect you.
To Face
What company did you say you were from?

Ox leads Construction! Baracus! You got those drills?

BA enters, he’s wearing a hard hat too. Color? Gold! He hands Face the drills.

Thank you!
To operator
Now, I just got to drill a couple of holes.

He starts doing so, while BA walks up to the operator. She recoils as he comes close and looks up at him. He’s very impressive at close. He stares back at her.

Hey, man, she ain’t got no hat!

No hard hat, eh? Oh, according to rule 114, section 29, everyone working in the area constructing has to wear a hard hat.

I’m the only operator on duty. I can’t just leave.

Baracus take her to the truck and fit her with a hard hat.

But I can’t leave the board.

Oh, the board, don’t worry about the board; I’ll take care of the board. No problem, here you go!

BA and the operator leave. Face hurries to the computer and feeds it the phone number 555-7477.
He gets the address: 125 South Mason Road.
BA and the operator get back. She’s wearing a white hard hat now.

Well, that’s perfect! Nice fit, nice color too.
Can I see you in the truck?
They leave and enter the Van.

125 South Mason Road. Four minutes and twenty-seven seconds. Not bad, huh.
Slowing down in my old age!

After studying a map
Okay, here’s a way we can get behind the house on Mason Road. Let’s go, BA. We got about twenty minutes.

At the house the youngest brother aims his rifle at Murdock. Murdock’s still tied to the chair and gagged as well. He stares at the rifle frightened. The man pulls the trigger, the weapon misfires: it wasn’t loaded yet…..

Hillbilly 2
Wow, I can’t wait to have this baby kick some * and get it right up against my shoulder.

Hey, pap, we’re gonna blow those guys away, right? You promised, we’re gonna blow them away.
He puts his rifle against Murdock’s chest and now we see his brother was aiming at a mirror, reflecting Murdock’s image.

Now remember what I’ve always been telling you: DEAD OR ALIVE means DEAD!
Alright, let’s move out.

They get out, leaving Murdock behind, tied to the chair and still gagged. He smashes the chair against the wall and it breaks. He removes the ropes and gag and as soon as he hears the men leave, he jumps through the window. A little too soon though…..
The Indian hears him and bangs the car window.

Hold it!

The pick up stops and the men get out.

Come on; let’s get him before he gets too far.

Murdock is hiding in the brushwood and as soon as he dares he runs for it. He’s spotted right away.

There he is!

They all fire at him but he gets away unharmed. The men get back in the pick up and follow Murdock. At this same moment Hannibal and BA enter the back of the house. They find the ropes and the smashed chair.

Looks like Murdock escaped.

BA (worried)
We got to find him, Hannibal.

They hear Face calling. He’s in front of the house.
They go over there and see him standing next to the broken window.

Yeah, Murdock escaped alright.

While standing there they hear MP cars coming close. They have their sirens on.

Oh-oh, we got company. Decker!

Somebody must have spotted us driving down this road. Let’s get out of here!

They run to the Van and speed away, firing at the MP cars. They don’t miss. It looks like they’ve done this before….. Decker gets out of his car and fires back at them. He hits the antenna on the Van.

Poor old Murdock! Out there all alone! Being chased by those bounty hunters. If they do anything to him…..

BA, I never heard you sound so concerned about Murdock.

BA cranky
I’m not concerned! It’s just that the crazy fool can’t help himself.

Of course Hannibal and Face don’t believe that’s the reason. They know better…..

Face to Hannibal
We’re seeing a whole other side of Mr. Baracus here.

Hannibal smiles.

You ain’t seen nothing! Now, let’s get Murdock!

Hannibal reaches for the cell phone
Hey! He can’t call us on this! One of Decker’s rounds must have taken the aerial out. We’re going to the contingency plan. Face!

BA looks very concerned indeed!

At a gas station a transistor radio is playing country music. A blue Van pulls up. There’s a sign on the door reading “Dr. Kelly Stevens, Veterinary Medicine”. She gets out of the Van.

Fill her up, Sam. Oh….. and don’t forget to check the oil.

While this is taken care off, we see Murdock crossing the road and running towards the gas station. There’s a payphone and he rushes into it. While he is dialing, the pick up truck of the bounty hunters drives by but they don’t see him.

I’m sorry, sir, that mobile phone you’re trying to reach is out of service.
He hangs up, looks around him and then steps into the back of Kelly’s Van. There’s a dog inside, we hear him squeak.

Gas station owner
Here’s your change, miss.

She lets him keep it and he thanks her. She waves goodbye and drives off. She’s followed by the bounty hunters. They force her to the side of the road, jamming her Van to make her stop.

Hey lady! Pull over! Stop! Pull the Van over, lady! Now!

He pounces on the side of the van and fires his rifle in the air. She tries to get away, but they force her off the road and she barely misses a tree as she stops. The men get out of the pick up truck.

Get out!

Please, I’ve got some money, it’s in my purse. You can have it.

It’s not your money we want, little lady.
To his boys
Check the Van.

The boys do so, but when they open the backdoor, a German shepherd jumps forward, barking on top of his lungs. They shut the door rapidly.

Hillbilly 2
Aaaaaaaaah, I’m gonna blow this dog over half this county!

She jumps before the rifle, protecting her dog.

No, please, Homer didn’t mean to hurt you. He’s….. You just scared him, that’s all. He’s only a dog.

Put it down.
They don’t obey him fast enough.
I said: Put it down! I don’t want no more gunshots around here. We already got half the county police out here now!
To Kelly
Little lady, you just consider yourself lucky we didn’t find what we was looking for. I suggest you get back in that Van and hightail out of here. And just be grateful you’re still breathing.

She chases off, but then she hears Homer squeak. She looks into her rear view mirror and pulls to a stop. She gets a gun out of the glove compartment and carefully gets to the back of her Van. She aims at the door and quickly opens it, revealing Murdock and Homer in a tender embracement.

Hi, I guess you wonder what I’m doing here in the back of your Van. It’s a nice dog you have here, by the way.
He gets up to get out of the Van.

Stay back! Now, I got a gun on you. Now, put your hands up!

He sticks up his index fingers.

She’s very nervous because of all commotion in the past ten minutes.
Please, put your hands up. Now, I don’t wanna shoot you.

Yeah, I can see you don’t wanna shoot me.

He gets out of the Van, in spite the aimed gun, and walks to the front of it.

What do you mean by that?

Do you….. Do you have a local AM station?
He tries to find one on the car radio.

Do you….. Do you realize what I just said to you? I’ve got a gun on you. You know, I don’t know who you are and I don’t wanna shoot you.
Suddenly firm
But I will if I have to.

Is that gun loaded?

You bet! Now, who were those men back there?

They are bounty hunters. You know, Captain Marble and red caps work best with guns like those. Of course it can’t do without that neat old sound you make with your mouth and roll your tongue against your palate and go…..
He demonstrates what he means and she laughs.
He’s pulling an invisible trigger on an invisible gun, still making the sound of shots.
They smile at each other.

It’s my nephew’s; I found it in the Van. Look, if it’s not too much trouble, would you mind if I ask you who you are and what those men are after you for?

No, that’s not too much trouble and it’s a fair question. Eh…..
He stands in silent for a moment, asking him self how and what to tell her.
My name is H. M. Murdock and those sleaze balls back there were trying to use me to get to some friends of mine.
Now, let me ask you a question. If you had the feeling that there was somebody in the back of your Van, why…..? Why didn’t you tell those guys? Why didn’t you turn me in?

Kelly looks at her dog.
Homer! Cause he didn’t chew your head off. I’ve always found animals a pretty good judge of characters.

Murdock nods and looks at Homer too.
Yeah. Yeah.

Homer barks agreeing and they both laugh.

We switch to the clinic and house of Kelly. She’s poring tea and Murdock is trying to get a local AM station on her radio. She hands him a cup of tea.

You’re really serious about this radio stuff?

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It worked in ‘Nam. The colonel was once separated from the unit, right outside of Da Nang on a recon sweep. All communications were cut off. So he just hit right to a local radio station. We picked up his broadcast right over the jeep radio.

It’s not very good, is it?

I can’t believe this music. What happened to Van Halen, Boy George, Frankie goes to Hollywood?

Frankie goes to Hollywood?
It’s obvious: she never heard of them!

You’d love it! It has a great beat to it.
He snaps his fingers to an inaudible beat.

I’ve got to be honest with you. I’ve never really liked that kind of music.

What about the Rolling Stones?

Oh, I know them! I eh….. In fact there’s a song they did I really love…. Norwegian Wood.

That was the Beatles.

I always got them mixed up.

Changing subjects, not to embarrass her any more.
What do you guys do for fun around here? What about your boyfriend? Where does he take you? Do you have any favorite restaurants, or….?

Kelly blushing
I don’t have a boyfriend.

What do you mean you don’t have a boyfriend? You have to have a boyfriend! What? You’ve been living behind drawn shades and shut doors? I mean….. You…..
He signs like saying: You know what I mean! He stands up and walks through the room, sipping his tea.
You have to have a boyfriend! You’re a pretty girl!

Kelly bursts out laughing
Well, I have never thought of myself as pretty.

Walks firmly towards her, grabs her arm and drags her through the room. He stands her in front of the fireplace, takes the mirror of the mantelpiece and holds it in front of her.
Pretty girl!
He looks at her, over the mirror, very seriously.

Looks at her image for a second and then up to him.
You’re crazy, you know that?

I know it, but how’d you know it?
She smiles at him, but he just stares at her.

There’s a roadblock. Cars are stopped and thoroughly searched by the sheriff and M.P.’s in order to find the A-team.

To sheriff
I want this entire sector sealed off. Set up road blocks here, here and here.
He points the spots out on the map.
I want every road covered.

They will be. My men will cover this area here. I got CHP units coming in. They’ll blanket the entire area of the road north of I-5; I’ll tell you something, colonel. A church mouse couldn’t get across my backyard without us knowing about it.

Never underestimate the A-team. They’ve been trapped before and found a way to break out.

The pick-up truck of the bounty hunters pulls up. The boys grab their guns, but their
holds them back.
What the hell do you think you’re doing? I told you to stay loose, they ain’t looking for us, they’re looking for the A-team.

How d’ you know they ain’t looking for us? How do you know that girl didn’t go to the sheriff the first chance she got?

Hillbilly 2
Royco is right, pappy.

We’re gonna find out what’s going on first before anyone starts shooting.
They pull up to the MP who’s checking the cars.
Howdy officer. Seems like you got a few cars backed up. What seems to be the problem?

We’re looking for some fugitives believed to be in the area.

You got anything to go on?

Nah, the only thing we got so far is some hiker reported seeing someone hopping in the back of a blue Van down junction 16. That’s about all we got. We didn’t even get a license number or a description of the driver.

Well, I sure wish you a lot of good luck, officer.
They drive on.
That blue Van has to be the one we stopped back there.

I remember writing on the side, some kind of animal clinic, papa.

Well, it looks like we got us an extra lead that the police ain’t got. Let’s go!

At a local radio station. A man, dressed like a cowboy, is behind the mixer. His name is Billy Bob. He’s broadcasting.
This is your old bucking broad rider himself: Cowboy Billy Bob. We got here a special request folks, from Sweet Susie for her Bo Jocko. I want all you hard living, butt kicking, floor stamping yahoo’s out there to cuddle up with your little filly and hugger down as the cowboy spends a little go…..

The music starts and Face and Hannibal enter. They look excited.

Filled with respect
Cowboy Billy Bob.

Cowboy Billy Bob
Yeah, who wants to know?

You think I should ask him for an autograph?

Cowboy Billy Bob
Look, if you got a complaint, talk to Harry, outside.

Yeah, well, we did! He’s entertaining a friend of ours.

He's throwing some powder in Cowboy Billy Bobs drink.
Oh yeah, gee. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I mean, here I am, actually talking to the cowboy himself. I mean, Billy Bob….. Billy Bob! I can’t wait to tell the little old lady. I’ll bet she’ll never believe me!

Cowboy Billy Bob
Takes a sip of his drink.
Okay, you saw the cowboy. Why don’t you two just make like a gun and shoot on out of here.

Four….. Three….. Two….. One….. Zero…..
Cowboy Billy Bob passes out.
Sleeps like a baby for the rest of the day!
BA enters. He and Hannibal drag Cowboy Billy Bob away from the mixer.

We haven’t got much time.

Suppose Decker hears Face’s voice?

Come on, BA. I got a plan for Decker.

I hope it’s a good one!
Hannibal and BA leave, while Face takes Cowboy Billy Bobs place at the mixer and stops the record which is now playing. He talks into the microphone with a Hillbilly accent:
This is the Faceman, sitting in for the cowboy, yes sure, the Facial Phantom of the airwaves and eh….. I’ll be playing all those tunes you love to hear. And speaking of love….. I’d love to hear from a very special friend of mine: one howling mad little lost sheep. If you’re out there, Howling Mad, give us a call. That number be 555-3792. And in the meantime, all you listeners, why don’t you wrap your ears ‘round these vibrations…..

Decker and his men created another roadblock. Hannibal and BA approach unseen.

Okay, BA. Take your pick, plant the stuff and give me a call. I’ll pick you up in the Van.
He smiles as BA leaves, he’s really on the jazz now.

BA rushes to the MP cars, right behind Decker’s back and plants a bomb under one of the cars. He calls Hannibal:
Hannibal, it’s all set.

Okay, count to twenty and then hit the button.

BA does so and the car explodes. There is, of course, a lot of commotion during which Hannibal arrives in the Van. BA jumps behind the wheel and they rush off.

Decker cries out:
It’s the A-team!
He starts the pursuit, leading the few MP cars left.
Attention, all units, this is colonel Decker. I’m in pursuit of the A-team Van, heading east on the old Summit Road. All units convert at my position. Out!
Hannibal and the MP’s exchange fire.

It’s working Hannibal!

Like a charm.
Decker and Crane follow in a squad car with its siren on. They speed down the road. At a crossing BA turns left, they come along a sign saying


B.A. puts the hammer down. The A-team van speeds up towards the bridge, which isn’t there! A worker tries to signal them to stop, but they don’t. Of course they don’t! The worker jumps aside and the van jumps over the gap, making it to the other side of the bridge, not exactly in one piece but still… They speed on. The MP cars stop in front of the bridge. Their drivers don’t dare to try such a courageous deed.
A disappointed Decker sees the Van leave.

In the meanwhile at Kelly’s place, she just puts a cat she just treated, in a cage.

How’s the little fella’ doing?

He’ll be sore for a week or so but with any luck he’ll be just fine.
She looks at Murdock who’s standing at the window, carrying the battery-operated radio on his shoulder. She can see he’s worried.
Murdock, your friends are gonna be okay. And they WILL find you!

I know, I know! I can see the colonel now, formulating a plan, Faceman moving and grooving And BA just worried sick about me. I can see that ugly mud sucker standing in the corner of a room somewhere just come in total grief worrying about my health and welfare benefits.

She’s staring at his back, it’s plain to see: she’s falling in love with him…

We return to the radio station. BA and Hannibal just enter.
Hannibal, you almost got us killed back there, making me jump my Van like that!

Yeah, but we lost Decker, didn’t we?

BA to Face
Any word of Murdock?

No, nothing yet!

I’m really beginning to worry about Murdock.

He’ll find us, BA.
Man, if anything happens to that crazy fool!
He hits the desk in frustration.

Face broadcasting
This is the Faceman coming to you from KWRE, KweREe, yes suree folks. The Facial Phantom waiting to hear from the Howling Mad little lost sheep.
At Kelly’s place Murdock runs at the radio.
If you’re out there Howling Mad, give us a call. Find a dime, take the time, get on the line and give us a hoooowl. The number is 555-3792.

Murdock repeating
555-3792, 555-3792.

Kelly is trying to find a piece of paper to take the number down.
I can’t find any paper!

Murdock still repeating
555-3792, 555-3792.
Kelly found a paper.

Kelly and Murdock
555-3792, 555-3792.

She writes it down.

At the studio the phone rings. Face wants to pick it up, but BA beats him to it. Hannibal watches in high expectations. Would that be Murdock?


Oh, I like that, BA. Directly to the point. Yeah! That’s kinda lyrical you know? So much in so little. But I’m impressed, big guy, I really am.

Shut up, fool!
Hannibal straightens up.
You okay?

I am, you know. My systems function normally.

hands Hannibal the phone.
Murdock’s fine!

Murdock, you got any idea where the guys are that grabbed you?

No, I lost them a couple of hours ago, colonel. I don’t think we have to worry about them.

There’s a MP car driving down a road. Decker and Crane are inside, listening to the radio.
Face is still broadcasting:
This is the Faceman….. We’re so happy we found our little lost sheep, we’re gonna play this very special number.

All units are converting on the radio station, colonel.


It looks like the A-team is still there.

They pulled this little trick before. Smith will never leave a friend and that will be his undoing.

Murdock is saying goodbye to Kelly. They’re arguing.

If you got to go, let me drive you!

I can’t, it’s too dangerous. In a few minutes this place is gonna be swarming with military types and bounty hunters gonna be running round like chickens with their head cut off. You got to stay here.
He obviously doesn’t want to put her into danger, but she’s getting angry.

Let me drive you! I know the back roads and I know how to avoid the roadblocks!

I really love the way the corners of your eyes scrunches up when you get angry.

Kelly almost in tears
Am I ever gonna see you again?

Of course you’re gonna see me again. How could Murdock ever forget the mysterious lady in the blue Van who appeared out of nowhere, just to save me, huh?
He smiles at her tenderly, he seems to like her a lot. She kisses him lightly on the lips and steps back.

Now go! Before you see me cry.
He leaves.

I call you when we’re safe.
He stops as she steps inside, then turns around and walks to the door. He raises his hand as if he wants to knock on it, but he doesn’t. He whispers:
I’ll park your Van by the side of the road.
A moment of silence.
I like you.

MP’s burst in the radio station, their guns drawn. Faces’ voice is still to be heard, but the A-team isn’t there anymore…It’s a tape on a tape-recorder.

Pointing at the tape-recorder.
They must have known we were coming.
Decker slams the button of the tape-recorder and it stops.

In the Van, Face is listening to the radio and Murdock, with an ear to ear smile on his face, turns to BA.
You really missed me, didn’t you, big guy? Come on, admit it, you missed me!

Miss you? Man, I didn’t miss nothing!
He’s smiling too, invisible to Murdock, though.

Murdock turns to Hannibal
He missed me, didn’t he colonel, didn’t he?
Hannibal looks from BA to Murdock and then back again, but he doesn’t answer.

All I know we had peace and quiet here for a while. Didn’t have to listen to your crazy jibber-jabber.

Taking the transistor radio away from his ear
Well, looks like Decker took the bate.

I hope he enjoys the music.

Colonel, could we eh….. stop over at the next phone boot? I got to make a telephone call.

Hannibal nods and signs
Go over there, BA.

As the phone rings Kelly picks it up and we hear Murdock speak. As he does, we go over at his side of the line. Hannibal is standing next to him.
Kelly, it’s me, H.M. I just wanted you to know that I made contact with the colonel and we’re on our way out of here.

Murdock! I’m all right, but I…..
All of the sudden the telephone is grabbed out of her hand by the old bounty hunter.

Listen, you put Smith on. If you ever want to see this sweet little thing again, you better hope Smith does what I tell him…..

He’s shocked, but boiling.
Wait a minute! You listen to me!
He’s trying to control his anger and Hannibal looks at him in amazement, not quite understanding what is going on, until Murdock goes on
You touch one hair on that girls head and I won’t sleep, I won’t eat and I will find you. And when I do, I will feed your head to flies.
He hands Hannibal the phone.

This is Smith.

Smith! I got the girl here that helped your man. She’s a real nice lady and she’s pretty scared right now! And you know, I think that gives me the upper hand! Ain’t it funny how things work out? I thought I was dealt me a losing hand and I end up holding four aces…..

Seems like you’re lucky.

Yeah, you tell Murdock if he wants to see this little lady again the four of you will hightail on out here. Besides….. I’m mighty anxious to meet you. But if you don’t (close up on Murdocks face: it’s now without any expression) I might just turn sweet cheeks here over to my two boys.
He laughs unpleasantly.
They’re nice boys. Sometimes they just don’t know how to treat a lady.

Now, wait a minute! The military has this area covered like a blanket. We may not be able to get there!

Oh, come on! The A-team?
He laughs.
You got one hour, Smith, and no tricks!
He hangs up. Hannibal listens to the dialling tone for a second and then turns to Murdock, who’s very worried about Kelly.
We got to be there in an hour.

Back in the, now speeding, Van.

If anything happens to Kelly, colonel…..
He sounds beaten and scared.

We won’t let anything happen to her, Murdock!

Taps Murdock on the shoulder
We’re gonna pull this one out!

Yeah, have faith, brother!

Eh, colonel, we’re gonna need a diversion!

Yeah, except those guys gonna be expecting us to try something.

Then let’s not disappoint them!

They stop at a breaker’s yard.

We got to do this fast, guys.

We see the usual A-team construction building. This time they cut open the front of the Van and they place two machine-guns behind the grill. They are operated by remote control. They test the construction, get in the Van and pull out.

In the meantime, at Kelly’s place…

I’m telling you, they’re not gonna show!

Checking his watch.
They got ten minutes, they’ll be here!

I kinda hope they don’t show. That way me and sweaty pie here can get better acquainted
He puts his hand on Kelly’s shoulder and she turns away in disgust.

Father angry
I’m tired of telling you ‘bout keeping your mind on your job!

Oh, come on, pa! We got all that we want. The A-team is on its way. Let me have a little fun!
He strokes Kelly’s shoulder and she hits him on the hand.

Hillbilly 2
Pappy’s right. Don’t mess things up! That bounty is plenty big, even split four ways. After we’re finished you can BUY all the fun you want.

You mind your own business and I’ll take care of mine!

Listen! Let’s worry about the good times later. You get out in the yard and keep an eye out!

They leave just in time to see the A-team Van arrive.

Hillbilly 2
Crying out:
They’re here!

The father gets out of the house, dragging Kelly along. They all take aim at the Van, which stops close by.
They all get out of the Van, their hands besides their shoulders.

Okay, we’re here. Why don’t you let the girl go!

He does so and she rushes to Murdock. He wraps his arms around her.

You okay?


I’ve been waiting a real long time to have the A-team standing there in front of me.

They don’t look to tough to me.
BA lowers his hands and angrily stares at him.

Why don’t you tell sap mouth over there that the game isn’t over ‘till the last hand is dealt!

Hey! You’re right! Only this time you lose.
To his sons and the Indian.
Now, take ‘em out!

Hannibal pushes the butt on the remote control and the grill of the Van opens, revealing the two machine guns, which start firing. The bounty hunters take cover not to get hit and the team uses the situation to attack. Face jumps over the balcony and hits the youngest brother, BA takes out the Indian and Murdock is fighting Royco. Royco tries to hit Murdock with a log, but he misses because Murdock ducks just in time. Royco hits a tree instead. Murdock doesn’t miss! He hits Royco several times and when Royco is groggy he just blows and Royco falls down. He’s k.o.!
Hannibal went inside to find the father. It turns out to be a short but heavy fight. Hannibal hits the man hard and he remains unconscious. Hannibal takes a cigar out of his pocket and bites off the tip, he addresses Kelly
They never learn! You got to know when to hold them and know when to walk away!

Stepping out of the brushwood, wiping the dirt of his sleeves. He hears the sirens and cries out
Hey man, Decker!
He rushes into the Van; Face is already in the back seat.

To Kelly, while getting in the Van
Give colonel Decker our regards and ask him to throw these slime balls in jail for us, would you?

Murdock kisses Kelly
I got to go!
and runs for the Van which is already pulling up. She watches them leave, a little disillusioned

Some time later, at the V.A.
A male nurse approaches Murdock, who’s, all by himself, sitting under a tree.

Male nurse
Murdock, you have a visitor.

Murdock surprised
A visitor? Eh, do me a favour, will ya? Will you go find out if it’s a bill collector? If it is, just tell him eh….. Tell him I ran out of stamps a couple of months ago. He’ll understand. He really will. He really will!

Male nurse
It’s not a bill collector. It’s a lady.

Murdock even more surprised
A lady? Where is she?

Male nurse
Waiting right over here!

Thank you. Thank you.
He follows the nurse and sees Kelly. She smiles at him.

Well, you said I could come visit you!
He closes his eyes and pants, giving her a fright.
What! What’s the matter?

Nothing! Nothing!
He opens his eyes again; pleasantly surprised she’s really there!
I was just comparing you to a mental image I was carrying around in my head. Sort a like a….. a mind projection. And guess what?


It doesn’t compare to the real thing!

They both laugh.

I’ve missed you.

I’ve missed you too.

He starts walking and she follows. She’s carrying a flat box.

You never called…..

He sits down at a table in the park and she sits besides him
Well, you know, they don’t eh….. They don’t give you any dimes in this place. I think they’re afraid you gonna choke on them. You know what I mean?

Murdock, what are you doing here?

That’s a long story.

Wanna tell me over pizza?
She puts the box she was carrying on the table.

His eyes sparkle
Pizza? You got pepperoni and mushroom on it?

She signs apologising
It’s got pepperoni, but we have to do without the mushroom.

Opens the box and cries out in disgust
Aaaaaaaaah, you already took a bite!
He looks at her and starts laughing. She joins in.

The end

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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 15:00:13  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 4-2-2007
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Nice Choppercrazy Very Happy

Col. John "Hannibal" Smith: Give me a minute, I'm good. If I've got an hour, I'm great. You give me six months, I'm unbeatable.
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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 15:56:10  Reageer met quote

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Geregistreerd op: 13-4-2007
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Cool Chopper,heel goed


Face: Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 18:12:52  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 10-7-2007
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Woonplaats: Sittard

heel mooi.....maistro

en wat is het geheime recept hiervan?
waar haal je het vandaan?

"er is geen beter leven dan het goede leven"
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The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 21:37:12  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
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Downloaden van het internet. Ik heb het van Mexican Slayride.
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