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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:35:40  Reageer met quote

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Geregistreerd op: 9-12-2004
Berichten: 1765
Woonplaats: Brugge


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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:37:45  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 38

Geregistreerd op: 10-12-2004
Berichten: 1603
Woonplaats: Brugge

As soon as I find out who I am, you will be the first to know
HM Murdock

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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:39:19  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

From the front seat of his cab with his faithful companions, Hannibal, Face and Amy, he will lead this war against injustice. He comes fighting for your rights. He is the vanquisher of evil. He is the protector of the innocent and the revenger of the downtrodden. . .
[Murdock about Captain Cab, "Taxicab war"]

I'm a bird! I'm a plane! I'm a choo-choo train!
["Till Death Do Us Part"]

Well, I didn't go through all this to see how I'd look in white.
[Murdock in a white bride's dress, "Till Death Do Us Part"]

You really cared about me, you big, guardian type guy.

I did not crash this plane! I simply landed it without the customary accompaniment of forward thrust or lift.
["Moving Targets"]

If you hurt one hair on that girl's head, I will not eat. I will not sleep. I will find you. And when I do, I will feed your head to flies.

God, your sky is so big; my plane is so crummy; please don't let me eat it.
["Where is the Monster When You Need Him?"]

I found a cow under my shoe.
I found a cow, how 'bout you?
["Blood, Sweat, and Cheers"]

To-Poo...To-Poo...Or not To-Poo, that is the question.
[Murdock hears the native chant, "The Crystal Skull"]

The Jazz is all the twinkies you can eat, and Woody Woodpecker cartoons twenty-four hours a day.
["Labor Pains"]

I did what I did 'cause if I didn't do it, it wouldn't have gotten done, and might I add that not doing it at all would have been a lot worse than doing it badly, which I was not about to do.
["The Road To Hope"]

The last thing he said to me before he died was...'woof'!
[Murdock about his dead dog, "Cup 'A Joe"]

Pardon me, boy; Is that the catatonic choo-choo?
[Murdock to a terror-stricken BA, "Beast In The Belly of the Boeing"]

Use your imagination! Or you can borrow mine.
["Harder Than It Looks"]

Thank you for flying miracle airlines, where lady luck is your co-pilot.
["Holiday in the Hills"]

What are you a couple of fruit flies? You know there are places for people like you.
["Harder Than It Looks"]

This building is too weird. Buttons scream at you. Stairs talk to you.
["Battle of Bel Air"]

I got no fear, I'll go up in anything, except an elevator.
["Holiday in the Hills"]

Well make up your mind. First I'm crazy, then I'm not. First I'm crazy, then I'm not. She loves me, she loves me not. . .
["Beast in the Belly of a Boeing"]

I don't wanna be a secret weapon! I want to be an exposed weapon!

I want you to be my role model, someone I can turn to when the purple wobblies start to wobble.
["Beast in the Belly of a Boeing"]

Shiver me timbers, he's discovered the map to the sunken treasure!
["Beneath the Surface"]

I'll be back by the stroke of midnight, or sooner if they run out of finger sandwiches.
["Judgement Day: part 2"]

My size? My size the amount of space I fill up. Thanks for askin' though.
["Bad Time On The Border"]

You can room with me at the V.A. We'll put in an extra bunk, then you and I can watch the walls melt.
["Black Day at Bad Rock"]

I can't believe he wanted me to give another kidney. Give, give, give.
["Judgement Day: part 2"]

Trash bags! I want trash bags!
["Pros and Cons"]

Well I certainly couldn't testify. A wife can't be made to testify against her husband.
["Till Death Do Us Part"]

We're your new neighbors.
["There Goes the Neighborhood"]

I don't wanna ever hear anything about me doin' bizzaro things again, Hannibal! Now that was crazy, and I know what I'm talkin' about!
["The Maltese Cow"]

What we need is a little distraction. . . You got an atomic bomb?
["There Goes the Neighborhood"]

Say, are we a groovy, happenin' bunch of guys, or what.
["Bells of St. Marys"]

I didn't know ya cared sweetheart.
["Holiday in the Hills"]

Ya know, Billy always turns purple just before he gets mad.
["Nice Place to Visit"]

I knew it, I knew it. . . you had a plan!
["The Grey Team"]

I love the smell of a revolution in the morning, it smells like hushpuppies.
["Theory of Revolution"]

You can always stay at my place, there's plenty of beds.
["In Plane Sight"]

It was a cow, a definite moo, exactly as I saw it in my mind. And don't try and make me feel better Face, I know I'm supposed to have a zany fantasy life, but I have never had anything jump out of the woodwork and give milk like that. . . It was scary! I've encountered destiny.
["The Maltese Cow"]

When the going gets tough, the tough get aeronautical.

I'm not nuts, I'm condiments. I've been promoted.
["Labor Pains"]

Is it too late to have you guys break me in to the VA?
["Deadly Maneuvers"]

Who put the stop payment on my Reality check?
["Trial by Fire"]

Some people walk through hot coals, some eat glass, some climb Mount Everest, others drink milk; it is the way of the universe.
["Deadly Maneuvers"]

The fog was as thick as a linebacker's neck and the moon wasn't saying much either. Just watchin'.
["The Maltese Cow"]

Infinity is like an envelope. You can stretch it across your eyes, put a light behind it, but you can never see the light because it won't travel fast enough!
["The A-Team Is Coming! The A-Team Is Coming!"]

Out of my mind, Back in 5 min.
["Trial by Fire"]

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:39:44  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 36

Geregistreerd op: 9-12-2004
Berichten: 1765
Woonplaats: Brugge

Zijn er wel heel veel wiskey. Zijn er nog?

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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:40:07  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

He's on the jazz, man!
[pick an episode]

If that fools flyin', we dyin'.
["Mexican Slayride"]

I die before I fly.
["One More Time"]

The man is a little weird, ok, but he got some good ideas, so leave 'em be.
["The Bells of St. Marys"]

You been greezin' your head with battery acid again?!
[BA to Murdock about his 'Filthy Five', "Water, Water Everywhere"]

Don't cry Maria, we'll get your mother back for you real soon. You got my word on that. Now,listen to Sharrece and her friends, ok, and don't be up late. Eat all your greens, now. Remember, I love you. I'll see you soon.
[On the phone with their new client, a little girl, "Bad Time on the Border"]

Aw, Hannibal, is this one of your plans supposed to go down 1, 2, 3? You always forget 4, 5, and 6.
["There Goes The Neighborhood"]

Shut up, fool!
[pick an episode]

That night, there was a new private eye in town. His name was BA Baracus, and right now, he's lookin' down at the Maltese Fool, thinkin', maybe, he outta break his arm, and cause him serious pain.
[BA to a bewildered Murdock, "The Maltese Cow"]

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:40:36  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

Hickory dickory dock,
the mouse run up the clock,
the clock struck one,
down he run,
you smell worse than my socks.
["Children of Jamestown"]

Now, if you had taken the trouble to look, you would know that I've got an 8 round, 9mm, pointed at you under the table. Now the question is, which one of us is gonna get hurt worse when we open fire. Go ahead! Do it, Sucker!
["The Maltese Cow"]

Don't ya love it! No matter how smart they think they are, they always screw up somehow!
["When You Coming Back, Range Rider?"]

What about my ice tea? Didn't anybody get my order? Boy, talk about yer lousy service.
["Bad Time On The Border"]

It's always darkest just before it goes completely black.
["The Rabbit That Ate Las Vegas"]

I like to see the size of the slug I'm after before I step on it.
["West Coast Turnaround"]

Don't worry, BA. Your little red tennies will never leave the ground.
["Beast In The Belly of the Boeing"]

I love it when a corpse comes apart!
["The Big Squeeze"]

I love it when a plan comes together!
[pick an episode]

We're like socks. You can put us through a rough wash once, but you'll never use us again.
["Deadly Maneuvers"]

Paint the entire ship? . . . I'd rather eat my cigar.
["Moving Targets"]

Ready to fold, spindle, and mutilate Sergeant?
["Pure-Dee Poison"]

And you see this? This is a cheap cigar!
[Hannibal taking a cigar out of the pseudo-Hannibal's mouth, "Showdown!"]

Tyranny is a state of mind, it's not a nationality. And if you don't stand up against tyranny it'll beat you every time.
["The Big Squeeze"]

You'll be a princess in a world full of dragons.
[Mexican Slayride]

Bears don't roar. They growl.
[Uncle Buckle-Up]

We're the neighborhood beautification committee. We clean up neighborhoods.
["Nice Place To Visit"]

The master say, 'Women and people of low birth are hard to deal with'.
["Mexican Slayride"]

What kind of a guy calls himself 'Mr. Coffin'?
["The Bend In The River"]

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:41:23  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

I lie, I cheat, I steal and I just don't get any respect.
["Where's the Monster When You Need Him"]

The Jazz is kinda like nature's way of sticking your finger in a light socket. Our problem is, Hannibal likes it.
["Labor Pains"]

He's on the jazz!
[pick an episode]

Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind.
[Face speaking to Hannibal after being 'volunteered' for a dangerous mission, "Diamonds and Dust"]

I like working for the church now and then, insurance against judgment day.
["Holiday in the Hills"]

See the key to any con is, placing the mark in a position where he thinks that reward will come, or harm will be avoided, if he does exacly as he is told by the character asumed by the conman.
["Alive at Five"]

Donny's real depressed Dakota. You outta see 'em treadin' water with all them duck floatin' around, mockin' 'em all . . . arogent like. Ah, come on back, Punkin', Donny, he wants to make up.
[Face in character, "Bad Time On The Border"]

Hannibal, sometimes I think you're crazier than Murdock.
[Face to Hannibal after Hannibal explains why he put the bad guys in the plane, "Holiday in the Hills"]

Don't worry about Murdock. In six weeks he won't be able to tell reality from breadsticks.
["Curtain Call"]

You'd better say three, Murdock, or he's gonna bounce you down the hyphenated line.
["When You Coming Back, Range Rider?"]

Look to this day
For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived,
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
[Face offering advice to Richard Bancroft who, unbeknownst to Face, is his father,"Family Reunion"]

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:42:56  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

Face: Ah, well, y-ya' know, Hannibal, we haven't had a vacation, and well, it might be kinda fun; quaint little hotel on the beach, lots of sun, . . . girls, um yeah, it might be fun . . .
Murdock: (singing)We're goin' ta' Surf City, just ta' have some fun!
Face and Murdock: (singing)We're goin' ta' Surf City, where it's two-to-one, two girls for every guy!
["Bullets and Bikinis"]

Face: I'm losin' it! I-I-I-I-I-I'm just losin' it! I mean that . . .
Murdock: Now you hold on, I'll hold on, we'll get to Ricter and he'll take care of this whole thing.
[Murdock comforting a very confused Face, "The Doctor is Out"]

Hannibal: Face! They're gonna find out any minute that we didn't go out the front gate!
Face: I'm not worried! Are you guys worried?
Murdock: Heck no!
BA: Why should we?!
Face, Murdock, and BA: It's a piece of cake!
["Harder Than It Looks"]

Murdock: Just think, if we get a pardon, we may never have to eat a nuckle sandwich again.
BA: I wouldn't bet on it crazy man! Looks like Hannibal is on the jazz again.
Murdock: No, you tell me, right now you tell me, right in my face you tell me, that you don't have a plan!
Hannibal: Well, I... I was thinking like Berny and George, what are we gonna do, when this thing's over? I mean what are we really qualified to do?
Face: Go after thugs in a park...
Hannibal: And outlawed motorcycle gangs, organized crime figures, why there's a world of slime balls out there.
Murdock: I knew it! I just knew you had a plan!
Hannibal: Comforting, isn't it.
BA: I'll get the van!
["The Gray Team"]

Amy: You guys will wait right here . . . (Nothing) No trouble, right? . . . (Nothing) Promise you'll wait! The Team: Promise (As Amy and their client walk away, the guys, except Murdock, reveal their crossed fingers.)
Murdock: Ooh, I knew I forgot somethin'!
Hannibal: Murdock, you commin'!
Murdock: Well, I did promise. (BA puts his hand on Murdock's shoulder) What's a little white lie.
["A Nice Place to Visit"]

Hannibal: Thanks, Face. I didn't know you cared.
Face: Uh, well, it must be the cologne you're wearing.
["The Bells of St. Marys"]

Hannibal: Alright, now who's plan was this?
Face: Not mine!
BA: Not mine!
Hannibal: Than who's?
Face: Murdock.
BA: It was Murdock.
Hannibal: (smiles) No it wasn't.
BA: (vigerously nods his head as they look at Murdock's retreating helicopter)
["Bad Time on the Border"}

Hannibal: Face, Face!
Face: What?!
Hannibal: You're not George Lucus! You're not.
["When You Coming Back, Range Rider?"]

Murdock: Hey ya big greased badgers, I'm not takin' to kindly to the way your talkin' to our woman-folk.
Bad Guy: Funnyguy wants to put on a show.
["Mission of Peace"]

Stockwell: Where are Peck and Murdock?
Frankie: Ah, Face! He, ah, saw a girl that he knows, and Murdock, he . . .
BA: Murdock saw something in his head, ain't no tellin' what it was!
["Point of no Return"]

Amy: Murdock, what's with all the rhyming?
Murdock: Yeah, I noticed it, too.
Don't know what I'm gonna do.
I've got my words,
my brain's workin' fine,
but when the words come out,
they wanna...rhyme.
["Bad Day at Black Rock"]

Murdock: Why do they have to make these things white? It's such an impractical color. Look at how dirty it is already.
Face: Well, I doubt you'll be needing to wear it again, Murdock.
[Murdock and Face discusing Murdock's wedding dress), "Till Death Do Us Part"]

Hannibal: First thing we're gonna do is give 'em a pop in the eye, let 'em know things are gonna be different.
Lady: I like that. I really like that!
["Mission of Peace"]

BA: Hannibal's on a serious Jazz.
Face: Yeah, well, maybe we'll get lucky and one day modern medicine will find a cure.
["There's Always A Catch"]

Hannibal: Face, we need a few things.
Face: Ah, yeah. Hmm ... Fourty gallons of red paint, seven electric fans, three loudspeakers, fourty pillows ... Is this a joke?
["Mission of Peace"]

Frankie: Uh, a..are you..are you o.k.?
Murdock: That has never satisfactorily been determined.
["Dishpan Man"]

B.A.: I'm getting tired of this rap Murdock.
Murdock: You're getting tired, how do you think I feel? I have to listen to it all day!
["Pros and Cons"]

BA: I ain't flyin!
Murdock: Well then drop us off, and write when you get work!
["Judgement Day: part 2"]

Murdock: I'd get out of that wet suit if I were you.
Dominique: You're not in this wet suit.
Murdock: Not yet!
["The Spy Who Mugged Me"]

Frankie: I wanna have kids Murdock... Do you think we can have kids?
Murdock: I don't think I know you well enough.
["Point of No Return"]

Girls: You were checking us out!
Hannibal: Um, hmm.
Face: And you check out rather nicely.
["Bullets and Bikinis"]

Face: Knock, knock!
Murdock: Who's there?
BA: We are, fool!
["Moving Targets"]

Bad Guy: You're crazy, you know that?
Murdock: Of course I'm crazy! You got me out of the psychiatric ward of a VA hospital, stupid!
[These lines were cut out of the TVLand episode, "Bounty"]

Mrs. Baracus: He don't look like a crazy man.
Murdock: Wait'll you get to know me!
[Mrs. Baracus to BA, and Murdock's response, "Lease With An Option To Die"]

Doctor: I know this man! I've been in the same room with him! We're...'soul' brothers. That man is as sane as I am!"
Murdock: Naaaaa, what's UP doc???
["Beast in the Belly of a Boeing"]

Face: Hannibal, you really believe their gonna buy us as 'Tongs'?
Hannibal: They don't have to 'buy' us. All they have to do is 'rent'.
["The Maltese Cow"]

Hannibal: We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
(List of nasty things that could be done to bad guys)
Bad Guy: And what's the easy way?
Hannibal: That was the easy way.

Girl: You guys answer me one thing; who are you?
Face: Well, I'd be glad to explain it to you.
Girl: So explain.
Face: Oh no, I didn't mean here. What I had in mind was some place quiet... a quiet filled with the gentle strains of gypsy violins. A quiet with a soft bubble of champagne, mixed mystically with the sizzle of musaka. Yes, a place where the sound of two hearts beating as one, drowns out the murmers of lovers.
Girl: Something tells me we'd never get to the answer.
["Uncle Buckle-up"]

Hannibal: Hey Face?
Face: Yes?
Hannibal: What do you suppose these guys wear under their skirts?
Face: Gee, I don't know... half-slips?
Hannibal: Garter belts?
B.A.: I think its panty hose.
[Hannibal, BA, and Face baiting the bad guys, "Children of Jamestown"]

Hannibal: As my dear departed farther used to say, 'listen to the stream of a river and you'll fish out the trout'!
Bad guy: What does it mean?
Hannibal: I don't know. But I always liked it.
[Hannibal as restaurant owner to a bad guy, "The Big Squeeze"]

Fighting nighthawks in the sky,
Brave and loyal are these guys.
Brothers turning wrong to right (Murdock, it's Quoit! Murdock!)
Never running from a fight, fight, fight!
Fighting nightingales, fighting nightingales, (Murdock!!!)
fighting nightinga-a-ales, hey!
["Trial By Fire"]

Lobster are red,
water are blue,
put your hands up,
and look behind you.
[Note in Bottle, "There's Always A Catch"]

Do it . . . my way.
[Stockwell, pick a 5th season episode]

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 18:44:47  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 40

Geregistreerd op: 23-12-2004
Berichten: 368
Woonplaats: Wevelgem

Hannibal: I love it when a plan comes together!

Hannibal: I love it when a corpse comes apart!

[Murdoch is looking sad]
Hannibal: What's the matter, Captain?
Murdock: Something horrible.
Face: What's the matter? Billy get hit by a car.
Murdock: WORSE.
[gives Hannibal his hospital release]
Murdock: I've been thrown out. Cast out...
Hannibal: You've been found sane?
Murdock: You got it.

B.A. Baracus: I thought you weren't crazy no more?
Murdock: Only on paper.

[the team's plane is starting to malfunction]
Face: Uh, Murdoch, what's going to happen?
Murdock: Looks like we're going to crash.'
Face: No, what's REALLY going to happen?
Murdock: Looks like we're going to crash and DIE.

[after crashing the plane]
Murdock: That concludes your flight with Miracle Airlines, the only airline where Lady Luck is your co-pilot.

[Face, B.A., and Murdoch are squeezed into the back seat of a car]
Murdock: There isn't room for four of us?
B.A. Baracus: What? What do you mean four, sucker?
[grabs him]
B.A. Baracus: There's three of us, you fool!
Face: Better say three, Murdock, or he's going to bounce you down the hyphenated line.

[Murdoch is giving a direct blood transfusion to B.A, who is squirming]
Hannibal: B.A., just relax.
B.A. Baracus: I told you guys for the last time. I don't want this sucker's blood in me. It's going to make me crazy like him.
Murdock: No, it's not going to make you crazy, it'll make you mellow. You can even room with me at the V.A. I'll have them bring in an extra bunk and we can sit together and watch the walls melt.
B.A. Baracus: Hannibal!

B.A. Baracus: We're flying this time, aren't we?
Hannibal: Yes, we are.
B.A. Baracus: You're not going to drug me this time. I'm going to keep my eye on you.
Hannibal: In that case, do you want the last swallow of your milk?
[B.A. realizes he's been had, raises his fist and then collapses]
Hannibal: Guess not.

[Hannibal has just drugged B.A. and his head has hit the horn]
Face: Why does he always fall on the horn?
Hannibal: Beats me.

[Face has just been rejected by a girl and he turns to see Murdoch staring at him]
Face: What are you looking at?
Murdock: You. I've been watching you, and I'm worried.
Face: How so?
Murdock: Well, it's a bit disturbing to see the team's Love Doctor hit the ground and cry "Medic!"

Face: The magic word is... tuberculosis.
[Murdoch starts coughing violently]

Face: In no time, he'll be running around like a Mexican Jack Rabbit. One that just got out of therapy.

B.A. Baracus: I pity the fool who goes out tryin' a' take over da world, than runs home crin' to his momma!

B.A. Baracus: Shut up, fool.

Murdock: I wish I could just jump in the water and live like a fish.
B.A. Baracus: Shut up fool, you ain't no fish!

B.A. Baracus: I ain't flying Hannibal!

Face: Look to this day, For yesterday is but dream and tomorrow is but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

B.A. Baracus: I'm gonna kill that crazy Murdock!

Hannibal: Hey kid, you're not that swift. I did some pretty squirly things in 'Nam, and lived to tell about them. You're like bread on a windowsill. Mine, when I want ya.

B.A. Baracus: You put cake in my van?

Amy: Murdock, why are you eating a sandwich that's frozen?
Murdock: I have to. I'm allergic to microwaves. They release space hamsters into my bloodstream.

B.A. Baracus: They're closin'. They got us!
Hannibal: You never know.
B.A. Baracus: I do. We're almost out of gas.
Hannibal: Now, why did you pick a truck with no gas?
B.A. Baracus: 'Cause I liked the paint job.

Hannibal: Murdock, how'd I ever let you talk me into this?
Murdock: I don't know; I have intermittent memory loss.

Amy: Hannibal's plans never work right. They just work.

Amy: Where's the pilot?
Murdock: It was kinda strange. I was just standing there talking to him, and all of a sudden, he fell in my arms.
Amy: You knocked him out.
Murdock: Let's not get technical.

Hannibal: I believe it was General Grant who said when you're surrounded and outnumbered, there's only one way out.
Amy: Yeah, so what is it?
Hannibal: Surrender.

Murdock: I leave with you my Captain Bellybuster cap for security. Now, you take good care of it. I promise you, I will return for my Captain Bellybuster cap.

B.A. Baracus: I don't start no trouble. I mind my own business.
Amy: B.A., going up to a traffic cop who's writing out a ticket for your van, and eating the citation right in front of his face, absolutely falls under starting trouble.

B.A. Baracus: You messed up, now I gotta mess you up. It's the law!

B.A. Baracus: Everybody knows the mans a fool!,he's crazy,he sees people that ain't there,and he's always talkin' in circles!

[the A-Team is assigned to infiltrate foreign territory]
Carla: As Americans, you can expect to be shot on sight if you're discovered.
Frankie "Dishpan" Santana: Well, how do they feel about Puerto Ricans?
B.A. Baracus: And black people?

Hannibal: Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, and down he run. And you smell worst than my socks!

Hannibal: B.A., there's an old saying - "The best defense is a good offense."
B.A. Baracus: You got that wrong, man. A good offense is the best defense.
Hannibal: Okay, have it your way.

B.A. Baracus: That's it your going into the water.

B.A. Baracus: Gimme a cup of coffee!
Diner Clerk: How do you want it?
B.A. Baracus: In a cup, fool!

[Hannibal, Face and B.A. have been locked in a small-town jailhouse by a fake sheriff, who then leaves with all his deputies]
Face: Why would they lock us up then take off?
Hannibal: They've probably gone to tell the townsfolk that *we* stole their money. Make a great diversion - the bad guys get away, while the locals start looking at us, and throwing ropes over tree limbs.
Face: Makes sense!
Hannibal: I think we need to figure a way out of this jail, guys!
B.A. Baracus: That's why we brought you along, Hannibal. That's you're department!
Hannibal: Okay, the Hannibal Smith Ideas Department is now open for suggestions!
B.A. Baracus: That's not an idea, Hannibal!
Face: [Walking to the bars and taking a small pouch from his pocket] Well, I have an idea.
Hannibal: [Looking at the pouch] A set of lock picks! You know, sometimes Face, your sense of larceny is your most attractive trait!
Face: I know!

[Hannibal, Face and B.A. have left the cell, only to find they can't leave because the jail-house surrounded by angry townspeople]
Face: [Walking in from the cell area] I just found the real sheriff - dead!
B.A. Baracus: Oh, man, they're going to think we killed him!
Hannibal: Well, I admit that this situation has some ragged edges, but I can't think with all this noise!

[Murdock, with help from Boy George, has disguised himself as a pregnant woman in order to gain entry to the jail-house]
Murdock: Herbert, open up, darling, its Cynthia!
Hannibal: Cynthia, go away!
Murdock: Herbert, oh Herbert, we have to talk, for the baby!
B.A. Baracus: Baby? what's that fool talking about?
Face: Let's open up and find out!

[Murdock enters the jail-house]
Murdock: [Lifting up the dress] Hold your breath, and remember your exercises.
[In a whisper]
Murdock: Explosives!
Hannibal: [Collecting the explosives] Great, Murdock, just great
Face: You know, Murdock, you look more attractive to me as a woman than you do as a man!
Murdock: Face, we haven't got time for that. Boy George is waiting behind the sheriff's office - we've got to go!

[Murdock is trying to pick the lock on the door of a small town store]
Murdock: Face usally does this, makes it look real easy. An honest man doesn't really have the knack for this sort of thing...
Boy George: Yeah, but who needs honesty?
[lifts his foot and kicks the door open]

[Boy George reveals his contract stipulated a fee of $1.2 million]
Hannibal: Face?
Face: We'll, I've been so busy, I didn't get a chance to explain our little contractual divot, here.
Hannibal: Face, $1.2 million is not a divot, it is a crater!

I love it when a plan comes together!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 20:07:06  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 39

Geregistreerd op: 25-1-2005
Berichten: 1730
Woonplaats: Enschede/Emmeloord

Uit hot styles (wanneer Murdock als B.A. verkleed is en in zijn bus rijdt):

Hannibal: "It was hard enough for me to let B.A. let you drive his van, I promissed him to get it back in one piece"

Murdock: "I don't supose you've noticed that I'm wearing gold. You know why? I will tell you why. I got behind the wheel of this van here, and I noticed that she was shimmying (?) a little, pulling to the left. Well it finaly hit me: That ugly mudsucker tuned the suspension of this van to compensate for all that gold he was wearing. So I put on a few chains, a few rings, a bracelet and some bricks under the seat, and it worked."
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CNH 320
BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 21:32:59  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 36

Geregistreerd op: 25-1-2005
Berichten: 68
Woonplaats: Bunschoten-Spakenburg

BA; "I'll get the Van!" en het gesprek ervoor

The Gray Team (geprek aan het eind)

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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-02-2005 22:16:08  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 39

Geregistreerd op: 25-1-2005
Berichten: 1730
Woonplaats: Enschede/Emmeloord

Face: Rules are made to be broken
Hannibal: Noses are also made to be broken
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