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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 09:44:11  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 18-1-2006
Berichten: 2768
Woonplaats: somewhere in orbit.

Ik zag dat er interesse voor scripts was? Hier is curtain call, de transcipt zoals dat heet, helemaal compleet, een gewoon script post ik niet want dat is te link, er is duidelijk gewaarschuwd dat dit copyrighted material betref. Ik heb de transcript geknipt en geplakt, in mijn word document ziet hij er ietsjes anders uit, ik moet bounty ook nog ergens hebben.

Curtain Call.

We see colonel Decker leaving a gas station.
Decker (to the employee)
Thanks a lot, pal.

All right.

Decker walks back to his car, another one is pulling up and captain Crane gets out.

We were right, captain. The clerk I’d Smith from his photograph. He came in here less than an hour ago.

Captain Crane
Did he say what Smith wanted?

He wanted to know where he could lay his hands on Russ Clayton.

We eyewitness a fight between the A-team and Russ Clayton and his men. When Murdock hits the last one of them down, he acts like in a football game.

Hey! Hut! Hut! Hut!

He turns around and almost bumps into B.A.

Fool! This ain't no football game!

Hannibal (to Russ Clayton)
Now, you see, Clayton. That's what happens when you trie to run somebody out of the cattle business and burn their barn. The pie you wind up in isn't necessary an apple.
(He turns to the team, which is gathered around)
I love it when a plan comes together!

Russ Clayton is proving to be a sore loser: he grasps his gun and aims at Hannibal to shoot him in the back. Murdock sees it.

Watch out, colonel!
(He jumps in the firing line and gets hit in the shoulder. Hannibal immediately turns around and kicks the gun out of Clayton’s hand. Face takes an aim at Clayton. Hannibal turns to Murdock)

Let me see how bad it is.

Oh, shoot, colonel. It's no big thing, just a punch wound in the old fuel tank. Don't you worry, just a few less miles, besides, just what I need: one more hole.

Meanwhile, Decker is closing in fast. Tawnia, who is looking through binoculars, sees the m.p. cars coming.

Get in the van.
(He and Face get Murdock on his feet and drag him to the van. B.A. is getting behind the wheel)

Feel like I got a finger poking through my back! Get it? From the back.

It's Decker!

Face (while he and Hannibal put Murdock in the van)
I told you Colonel Decker saw us at that toll crossing this morning.

Well, you were right. Feel better now?
They get in the van.
Go, B.A.!

They drive off .The sirens of the squad cars are coming closer. Russ Clayton and his men are getting on their feet. Than Decker arrives. Captain Crane gets out of his car and walks to colonel Decker who sees the A-team van vanish rapidly.

Captain Crane
It looks like we're too late, Colonel.

Too late? There's only one road in and one road out of this area. The A-team's not going anywhere. Co-ordinate with our other units. I want this entire area sealed off tight. If a gust of wind blows through here, I want to know about it. And get me Major Danton at Fort Travis!

Captain Crane
(He walks to his car to make the call)

Sergeant Collins is coming up to Colonel Decker.
Sergeant Collins
What do we do with this group, Colonel?

Have the sheriff pick up this garbage and get them out of here, will you, serge?
(He goes to Crane's car to speak with major Danton)
Major Danton? Colonel Decker. We found the A-team. Have your rangers fly out to rendezvous at my position immediately.

In the meantime the A-team van is driving fast down the road. Face has examined the wound in Murdocks shoulder.

Boy, he's lost a lot of blood, Hannibal!

He's lucky he took it high or he lost it all. Hang in there, Murdock. We get you to a doctor as soon as we can.

Don't you threaten none about me, colonel. I got a lot of rolls in the old engine left.

It's a pretty isolated area, Hannibal. Who knows how far it is to the nearest doctor?

And we can count on Decker to cut off our only way out. We may have to improvise.


Murdock (is checking out his wound. He's bleeding badly)
Oh, hear of this program to give to you a special medical bulletin on the condition of H.M. Murdock, your cloud mount, flying high, thru ling and spitting at you where the air is thin and the little doggy’s hoooooooooowl!
Tawnia bends over to him, concerned.
I'm okay, baby. I'm okay. You okay?
Will you still love me when I'm gone?

The man is not talking right, Hannibal. But now he really ain't talking right. He’s hurtin' bad.

Yeah. I'm afraid he's getting an infection and then he get a fever. THEN we're in trouble. We got to find some place isolated, out of the way, off the highway, we can lay him down, keep him still, make him comfortable. Face, you gonna have to scam it. Start thinking!
(Face nods)

We see the inside of a cabin, two men are sitting at the table: Artie Simmons and Ritchie Hauser. Then there's a knock on the door.

Face (from outside)
Hello! Anybody in there? Hey, anybody home?
(He groans)

Artie Simmons runs to the door and opens it. Face literally falls in, right in his arms. He is wearing a jacket with a ripped up sleeve, a torn cap and an eye patch. Artie catches him and Ritchie comes to help. They take Face, who is still groaning, to a chair.

Calm down, easy, here you go!
(Puts him on the chair)

Take a seat, take a seat!

I've been going on pure breath. Must have walked twenty miles to get here. Trouble you boys for a glass of water? (They run to get the requested)
Much obliged.

What happened to you?
Ritchie pours a glass of water.

I've been looking for the big one. Only... he found me.
(Shows them the torn sleeve of his jacket)

Who found you?

Old Luke!

Old Luke?

Yeah, a grizz. Big, ugly, mean! I've been after him ‘bout a year.

Ritchie (to Artie)
I told you there were bears up here!

Bears? We're not talking bears, we're talking BEARS.
(Points to the eye patch)
You think I got this from winking too much? No sir, old Luke gave me that. I'd show you boys what's under this, eh, patch only you fellows probably just had lunch.
(Artie and Ritchie grin at each other)

Artie (stuttering)
Well I tell you one thing. It's a good thing that old…


Luke didn't meet up with Ritchie and me cause you are looking at two dead shots.

Listen pilgrim! You better put the first one right in the old keyhole with Luke or you can forget about locking the door. Folk’s call me Bear Claw Jones. Catchy, isn't it? Yeah, I go after the big ones. I hunt 'em, I skin 'em
(Waits for a second)
I eat 'em.

Artie (to Ritchie)
He eats 'em. Eh... Artie Simmons and Ritchie Hauser.

Pleasure. Any of you boys chew?
(He offers them tobacco. They look disgusted and thank him. Face stuffs his mouth with it)
He's out there somewhere. Big as a day and twice as mean.
You can smell him out there in the woods hiding in the shadows getting ready to pounce.
(Spits on the floor, points at it)
(They gesture: that's all right)
I got to get me a forty hot forty-four hot forty.
(They whistle through their teeth at hearing of such a caliber gun)
I'll track him down. Only this time I aim on collecting on that ten thousand-dollar reward they‘s offering for his hide.

Ritchie (almost speechless)
Ten thousand dollars?

Face (nods)
Certified cheque, signed by the governor himself. And put you right in the old history books.
(Artie and Ritchie look at each other meaningful: How can we scam this guy?)
Well, I got to go, got a bear to nudge
(He stumbles against the door)
I guess I’s weaker than I thought.
(Artie and Ritchie get to him and help him to the couch)

Take it easy, Mr. Claw, why don’t you just sit down and rest. You’ve been through an awful lot.

Face (sputters)
No, no, Old Luke’s out there.

Rest, relax and get your strength back. You got plenty a time for getting after old eh…


Luke! Why don’t you get yourself a couple of hours sleep and you feel like a new man. Ritchie signals “ok!” to Artie and while Artie puts Faces legs on the couch, Ritchie grabs their guns.

Face (spits on the floor)
Sorry! You’re probably right.
He stretches out on the couch and closes his eyes. Ritchie hands Artie one of the guns.


Face (mumbling)
That’s nice; that’s a nice couch.

Artie and Ritchie form the words ten thousand dollars to each other without actually saying them. They take off and get in their car, laughing at the idea of easy money. Face lifts the eye patch and smiles. He runs out, careful not to be seen and sees them leave.

Face grinning
Happy hunting!

While the car disappears out of sight the A-team van comes in. Hannibal gets out first.

Face, you’re getting slow!

(Looks at his watch)
Twelve minutes! Hannibal, I had to say hello!

Hannibal has opened the side door of the van, revealing Murdock and a worried looking Tawnia. Murdock moves as if he wants to get out, but his left foot is stuck.

Easy now! Don’t move. Wait. Get your feet down first!
He loosens Murdock’s foot so he can get in position to come out. B.A. gives Face his gun and takes the left side of Murdock, Hannibal is on the right.

Up around me. All right, now! That’s it, take it slow.

Face is leading the way and Tawnia is in the rear, carrying Murdocks jacket. Murdock is trying not to show the pain he is in, but he is panting and as he groans Hannibal looks at him very worried. Face opens the cabin door, goes straight at the table and studies the map, which is still there. The others put Murdock on the couch. He is barely conscious, exhausted of getting there.

Hannibal, I don’t like the way he looks, man! We got to get that bullet out!

Hannibal (removes the shirt of the wound)
Get a pillow, will you, B.A.?
(B.A. leaves to get the requested)
It’s not the bullet I’m worried about!

It’s not?
(Gives Hannibal the pillow. Hannibal puts it under Murdock’s head).

No. It can sterilize itself right in the barrel sometimes. It’s the pieces of cloth it pushes in that usually starts the infection.

Tawnia (has been searching the shelves)
Hannibal! Here’s the first aid kit.

Hannibal (reaches out)
Give me an antiseptic.

We don’t have any!

Then give me a big bandage.
She hands it to him.

We’re gonna need the antiseptic.
Hannibal nods and sighs.

Hannibal, unless there is a backdoor out of this place, it’s Decker’s ballgame!

Tawnia, hold this right here. Easy!
(She puts her fingers over the bandage to keep it in its place. Hannibal walks over to the table).

Face (pointing on the map)
We’re right here. The nearest medical facility is forty miles south of here. And with Decker in the area it might as well be four hundred miles.

Hannibal (studies the map)
Wait a minute. There’s a ranger station a fifteen miles east. That means medical supplies. Lieutenant, you got it. Take Tawnia!

Well… Eh… What do you want me to do?

Hannibal (taps Face on the shoulder)
You will think of something!

We’re on our way!

Hannibal goes back to Murdock and takes over from Tawnia so she can go with Face. The bandage is soaked with blood, so he places a new one, handed to him by B.A.

Murdock (singing, mumbling)
On our way, at ease the hay. What do you say, what do you say, what do you say, hey? Have you got a problem? If you got a problem, it will go away.

Hannibal (feels neck and forehead of Murdock and finds his fears came true)
He’s starting to get hot!
B.A. looks worried.

During all of this the sheriff rounded up Claytons men and we see them taken to squad cars. Captain Crane and colonel Decker are standing by their car, studying a map

Captain Crane
We completely sealed off the area.

Decker (points at the map)
I want patrols searching the secondary roads. Your men will cover quadrant A. Sergeant Collins and his team will cover quadrant B. I want those cabins along the north ridge searched immediately.

Captain Crane
I’ll get on it!

Sergeant Collins (he is squatting down and calling)
Colonel Decker!

Decker (goes over to him)
What is it sergeant?

Sergeant Collins
Blood, sir! It’s fresh. None of Clayton and his men were wounded, sir. Think it could be one of the A-team?

Decker (touches the stain of blood, then wipes his fingers in the dirt and turns to Captain Crane who followed him)
Let me see that map!

Captain Crane (hands the map to Decker and they study it together)
If they have a wounded man with them, colonel, there are only two places where they can secure medical supplies. River View Hospital and the ranger station of on Mill Bays and Road (he points those places out on the map)’Course they may try to contact Murdock at the V.A. hospital.

Decker (gives him a “well done” look)
Put a surveillance team on the hospital but don’t let them move in on Murdock and scare them away.
He and Captain Crane start walking back to their cars.
Captain, have you ever wondered why the A-team manages to slip past us?

Captain Crane
They’re good, sir!

They’re the best! They think as one, feel as one and act as one. But with a wounded man in their midst they cease to be that. The good of the unit becomes the good of an individual. And that will be their undoing.
(He reaches his car, opens the door and stands pensive for a while)

Back at the cabin, we’re on the outside, hearing Hannibal speak.

You know, it could take ‘em almost two hours to get to that ranger station, going around Decker’s roadblocks.

We enter.

If Decker don’t grab ‘em first! (Points at Murdock) The last of the bandages. We gonna need those supplies, Hannibal. He’s week, he lost a lot of blood. We got to find a way to replace it, man!

Hannibal (looking worried)
I know.

B.A. (Looks at Murdock, who has his eyes open but doesn’t seem to notice what’s going on around him)
Me and this crazy man got the same kind of blood. Remember the time he gave me some of his blood?
Made me talk crazy, but he saved my life!

They both look at Murdock.

Yeah, as I remember we had to feed it to you drop by drop.

Murdock and B.A. lying down and hooked up to hoses. Amy is caressing B.A.’s head. Every one is gathered around concerned.

B.A. you lie still!

Man, I’m warning you all for the last time! I don’t want this sucker blood in me. It’s gonna make me crazy, just like he is.

No, it’s not gonna make you crazy, B.A., it’s just gonna make you mellow. You can even room with me at the V.A. I’ll have them bring in an extra bunk and you and I can watch the walls melt.

B.A. (desperate)

Lay off, will you, Murdock?

Lay off what? This man has a chance for greatness. My bodily fluids are in great demand by the finest minds of our time. I give a fresh specimen to the V.A. every week. The worst that can happen to him is to hear things that he don’t see, and rhyme his words, just like me.

Well, I’m all for the rhyming word but sometimes actions speak louder.

Another flashback:
We see Hannibal and Murdock sitting on garden chairs with trash bags attached to them. The bags are filled with hot air, provided by hairdryers.

Murdock, how did I let you talk me in to this?

I don’t know, I have intermittent memory loss.
(He takes off)

We got a break situation here. Give us a lockdown and sound the alarms.
(Cells are closed, alarm bells and sirens are heard)

Hannibal (takes off)
Hey great, Murdock! Great!

Yahoooooooo, isn’t this great, colonel?
(Flaps like he has wings)
What a view!

I love it Murdock! Like having wings!

Murdock (as they float over the prison walls, in an odd voice)
Yes, colonel, you got wings!

We’re going to flashback some more….

Murdock and a wounded man are sitting in an ultra light, which the team made themselves.

White carpet, 5-86, now ready for boarding. All passengers holding tickets will now be on board.

You got structural weaknesses in the wing struts and it won’t hold you if you start any of your aerobatics. Remember: keep an eye on the silk. If it starts to shred, take it down.

Murdock (imitating Jimmy Durante)
I didn’t know you cared, sweetheart!
(Pulls B.A. down by his necklaces and speaks in normal tone)
Thanks B.A.

Don’t thank me! (Big smile) Just keep it up the trees.

Get this bird of the ground. That guy is sweating bullets!

Murdock (imitates a Freudian voice)
I will find civilization muchacho. I will bring back re-enforcements.
(He takes off and sings like in an opera. Face, in a priest outfit, is waving at him with a bible)

The man’s crazy!

Yeah, but it’s a good kind of crazy.

Crazy man can fly a plane, but he never knew where he was going…

Sees the fuel tank sign of the chopper they’re in reach ‘empty’
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, girl, take it easy now!

What’s the matter?

We out of juice, we going down, boy. You never get good gas miles in the city.

He lands in front of a gas station, right in front of a pump, even on the chord that makes that “dingle.” The gas station attendant watches in amazement. He is frozen in disbelief.

You got a map that covers the entire county.
(Exits into the gas station after the man points over his shoulder.)

Fill her up, high octane.
(The man still doesn’t move.)
All right, I’ll do it.

End of flashback.

You could always count on Murdock to do the unexpected.

They are in a plane; the dials are going all wonky.

Knock it off, you guys!
(He hits them)

Hannibal (worried)
Are you having a problem, Murdock?

Murdock (looks out of the side window and sees smoke coming from one of the engines)
Well, it’s hard to tell with these…

With these? What do you mean with these?
(Looks over his shoulder)
Where did you get this plane, Face?


Face didn’t scam it, I did.

Hannibal (Shocked)

Well, I had to con the passport people…

Okay… Murdock, where did you get this bird?

I clipped it off the rental plane repair line.
(Face is staring in disbelieve. Even Murdock couldn’t be this crazy, could he?)

It would be ridiculous for me to assume that it’d been fixed?

Of course it wasn’t fixed. They start to miss them once they’ve been fixed. You got to get ‘em before they’re fixed.

Hannibal (as if it all makes sense)
Of course.

Face (Afraid)
Murdock, what’s gonna happen?

Looks like we’re gonna crash.

Face (Hoping Murdock is pulling his leg)
No, come on, really, what’s gonna happen?

It looks like we’re gonna crash and die.
(The plane is going down fast)
Four thousand feet and dropping.
(Face found a parachute)

There’s just one parachute. (Hopeful) I’ll jump and go for help.

Too low. Too late to jump.
(Face looks sick)
Find a confident spot and hold on.

The ride gets rocky and Face is tossed around in the back. Murdock is holding his breath as he lands the plane in the hills. It smashes through some trees before finally stopping.
Murdock (voice over the plane’s PA):
Ladies and gentlemen that completes your flight. Thank you for flying miracle airlines, the only airline where lady luck is your copilot.

Back in the cabin we see Hannibal giving Murdock something to drink. Suddenly Murdock seems to realize the danger he’s putting them in.

Hannibal, you better get out of here. You better leave me, man. You better leave me.
He falls back in the pillow, panting.

Captain, we go out together or we don’t go out at all.
(Hands B.A. the glass)
I want you to rest.

Murdock (Weary)
Yes, resting.

Hannibal lays him down comfortably and sighs.

Hannibal (To B.A.)
I’m gonna check the perimeter.
(He leaves)

You heard the man, sucker. We’re a team. We go out together.

B.A. remembers…

Murdock wearing a Burger Heaven cap and
taking a bite from a hamburger. Then he faints.

Well, looks like we won’t be flying.
(He giggles, takes a bite of his burger… and falls unconscious).

Murdock (sitting up):
How’d I do?

Hannibal gives him an A-OK sign.

I might have passed out from that hamburger, sucker, but I got my revenge later…

B.A. and Murdock standing on a pier.

I was thinking of just swimming right on up to the coast someday and circling right on in and saying: “Hey”.

Shut up, fool. You ain’t no fish!

Oh yeah, I could rub like one. Besides, I like them fish vibes. I’ll tell you they got something real peaceful going on down there.
(Talking to the scissor of a lobster, attached to his sleeve)
Right Therm, my man?

Listen Murdock. I’m sick and tired of your dead lobster and your dumb vibes.

Cut it out, B.A. Just because Therm has been reduced to a claw it don’t mean he ain’t got no vibes.

B.A. (Closing in on Murdock who backs up, kind a scared)
I’m gonna teach you sucker a lesson.

Murdock (Walking backwards down the pier)
B.A. let’s be rational. We must behave like grown men, like civilized adults. The…the… man said: g..g..g..give the a break. So gimme a break.

How about give you a ride? You want to be like the fish so much? Why don’t you join them!
He throws Murdock into the water.

Murdock (Astonished and angry, smacks his cap on the water surface)
He did it! I don’t believe he did it!

Now vibe on that, sucker!
He giggles.

Vibe on that?
(Pretends to play a harp)

In the cabin B.A. wipes the sweat of Murdocks face and covers him with a blanket.
The A-team van with Face and Tawnya is speeding towards the ranger station. It leaves a trace of dust.

Face, you think Murdock will be all right? He’s lost so much blood.

Oh, Murdock, he is tough, like a piece of rawhide when it’s just gone out of therapy. Yeah, he’s got the kind of strength that counts.
(Points at the side of his head).
Don’t you worry about Murdock. A few weeks and eh…he won’t be able to distinguish reality from a couple of breadsticks.
(They laugh)
He’s quite a guy; we sure ran a lot of scams together…

We go to another flashback, while hearing Face say:
There’s certain elegance, poetry to the man…

We see Face in a gray suit and Murdock in a colonel’s uniform enter a supply store. The storekeeper, who was sitting, smoking a cigarette, jumps to his feet, coughs and gets behind his counter.

Moran (Storekeeper with a heavy, Cockney accent)
Good afternoon, gents. What can I do for you?

Moran? Morgan Moran?


Then I can assume that these are your initials on this purchase order, eh… M.M.?


Face picks up the phone, while Murdock is going around the store, looking not very interested.

What are you doing?

I’m calling headquarters to tell ‘em we’re questioning the suspect.

Suspect? Hey, wait!

Murdock (speaking with a beautiful English accent)
You have already conceded, sir that your initials are in fact on the document. Please do not complicate matters by purge ding yourself.

Look, I don’t have to stand here and take this from a … who are you guys, anyway? Eh?
He steps from behind his counter. Murdock is standing at a few boxes of dynamite.

Now, that’s colonel Bradley Lexington of Salisbury explosives and arms control and I am Edmund Morris, United Nations attaché to Solobway.

I’ve done nothing wrong so why don’t you put somebody else’s knickers in the twist, okay?

We are not amused! On 16 December 1982 this establishment sold ten cases of dynamite to the Parker Construction Company. Do you concur?

So what? I’m a supply store! Yeah, you see…

Murdock (Interrupts him)
Certain dynamite was defective and premature explosions caused to the untidy demise of 22 workers employed to renovate the bridge at Breaker Pass. Now, how do you respond to that?

Moran (Shocked at first, but than a glance of hope simmers in his eyes)
I’d say that’s bloody impossible cause there ain’t no bridge over Breaker Pass, that’s why.

Murdock (In a furious tone)
There’s no need to brutalize the queens English along with your other crimes, which now include impugning a loyal subject of her royal majesty.

Come on! You guys must be kidding. I sell good stuff here, everyone knows it.

Don’t make me laugh! No kippers! No English herringbone tweeds, no meat pies, no Rolls Royce petrol caps, no original pressings of Hey! Jude! You, sir, are a miserable excuse for a shop keep.
(He points at Moran accusing)

Face (Interrupting)
And I don’t see any state seals or shipping dates on any of these. Mr. Moran, you’re not buying this on the black market, are you?

Moran (Comes over to the cases of dynamite)
Look, I bought this stuff all legal and you can bank that at Barclay’s.

Then, where are the state seals?

Oh well…Eh…

I thought so! I’m afraid we’re gonna have to confiscate this as contraband. Colonel Lexington, could you give me a hand here, please?


Oh no, look…this is…

Murdock pushes Moran aside and glances at Face as if he says: We did it, what a relief!

Of course there were the visits at the V.A. hospital…

Murdock is playing a computer game, singing, “I ain’t got no satisfaction”
The gaming device has a sign saying “property of H.M.Murdock” on it.
Face comes in, dressed as a doctor, and shuts down the computer.

Hi, Murdock.

Oh, man, I was practically in a menial shower!

Time to go bye, bye.
(Throws Murdock his jacket).
The magic word is tuberculosis.
Murdock coughs, Face shakes his head. Murdock coughs louder, still not what Face means, then he really ruckles and Face nods, looking almost happy: “That’s it!”)

They leave Murdocks room, Murdock is in a wheelchair, coughing as loud as he can in a glove. There’s a nurse outside, she is shocked to see him at a state like this.

Good Lord! Mr. Murdock. I don’t remember being him like that.

He must have been incubating all this time. Good thing tests showed us the infestation this early. I got to get him right down to County General into quarantine.

County General?

I’d like a complete list of all patients whom this eh…Murdock has been in contact with.
(He pushes the wheelchair down the hallway)

He spends most of the time by himself.

I want my doggie Billy
(Takes the nurse by her arm)
What about my dog, nurse? He’s been in the same position for a month!

Face (In disbelieve)
This man has a dog?

The nurse whispers in his ear
No. You see, there is no dog!

Murdock (Having heard the explanation)
Oh no! He’s gone! It’s too late, doc!
Coughs in the nurses’ face. Then speeds the wheelchair himself towards the elevator. Face is almost running to keep up with him. As is the nurse.

I don’t know if I can release him. Mr. Murdock is under care!

Nurse, if you want to take responsibility for contaminating this entire ward, maybe the entire wing, perhaps the entire hospital then by all means, I’ll leave the patient here with you. But unless you have proper quarantine facilities available…

No, no, no…it’s just…
Murdock seems to be choking and grasps at his throat. Face and the nurse look at him, then she quickly puts her signature under the form Face is handing her.

Thank you.
Enters the elevator which Murdock is already in, pushes a button, turns around and says
Oh, and if this man has been eating in a cafeteria I want the dietetic staff to be given full examination and if necessary shots. Hopefully this thing can be contained.

What about my dog Billie, doc? Tell me he’s gonna make it!

The elevator doors are closing; the nurse holds them for a second.

Oh, feel better Mr. Murdock.
(He coughs in her face, then the elevator doors close)

End of the memories.

Face, are you okay?
He’s not responding
Face are you all right?


You all right?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I’m fine, I must have tuned out back there.
Face stops the van in near sight of the ranger station.
Oh, oh.
Tawnia looks at the station and sees it too.

Get these cars out of sight. I want sentries posted. A hundred yards out, along that perimeter.
(To the ranger)
Come with me, inside!

Face and Tawnia have gotten out of the van and are coming closer, carefully keeping the bushes between them and the ranger station.

Face, you can’t go in there. Not with Decker and his men in that ranger station.

Yeah, that does present a challenge, doesn’t it?

Inside the ranger station, we hear sergeant Collins over the radio, speaking to Decker.
I found some tire tracks, could be from the A-teams van.

Decker (Standing in front of a large map, hanging on the wall)
Half mile, north off the over pass, I have you.

Sergeant Collins
There’s a cabin in the woods up ahead, sir. About two hundred yards.

I want it searched, sergeant. I’ll have back up vectored your position. You keep in touch.

Sergeant Collins
Yes, sir.

Decker turns off the radio and is absorbed in thought. He seems to be very self-complacent.

Sergeant Collins and his men burst into the cabin. Artie and Ritchie, who were sitting at the table, studying a map, jump up throwing the map in the air and reach for the ceiling.

Whoa! Don’t shoot! We’re tax accountants!

I guess you guys are looking for old, eh…


Luke! Right! The grizzly?

The sergeant aims his gun away from them and walks to the other room of the cabin. Artie and Ritchie look at each other, wondering what’s going on.

Maybe…maybe not!

Hannibal and B.A. are outside, carrying a portable with Murdock on it.

I’m glad you laid that tripwire that warned us of those two suckers coming.

The ranger station is due west of here. We got to find Tawnia and Face on the way.
They hear the serene of an m.p. car.
Duck! Duck!

They quickly hide in the bushes. The car passes by, full speed.

Looks like we’re gonna be playing tag with Decker and his men all the way.
He hands B.A. an automatic gun. Murdock moans.

Don’t give up, man!

Hate to disappoint Decker. It’s so damaging to his psyche.

B.A. (angry)
I don’t care about his psyche, Hannibal. I’m gonna damage the sucker with this!
He shakes his fist. Murdock is panting.
He’s getting worse, Hannibal!

I’ll check the road.
He leaves B.A. to attend to Murdock.

Hang tough, Murdock. I ain’t gonna let you down, buddy!

Choppers fly in and foot soldiers are coming up the hill. Hannibal and B.A. are driven up hill.

Slow down B.A. We got to set him here.
They put the portable down. Hannibal picks up a piece of wood.
That looks like a piece of shoring timber! Stand guard, I’ll be right back.
He walks a little bit further down the road and there, hidden behind some brushes, is a mine entrance. There are laths closing the entrance. Hannibal calls out for B.A., keeping his voice low.
B.A., come down here.
B.A. shows up.
Found an abandoned mine, give me a hand.

B.A. puts his rifle over his shoulder and they start taking the laths down.

Back at the ranger station Face and Tawnia are getting close to the sentries. Face signals Tawnia to stay behind and sneaks up to a sentry. He taps him on the shoulder and when the soldier turns around Face asks him
and knocks him down. He catches the falling body and drags it behind the bushes. He starts to undress the soldier.

Tawnia (squatting next to Face)
Face, the uniform will never work. Decker will recognize you, the moment you walk in.

Oh, I don’t know. A little jewelry, maybe an ascot, with just the right touch it’ll look terrific.
Keeps undressing the soldier.

Face, are you listening to me? You go in there and you’ll be on the first flight to Leavenworth.

Face (In anger)
Now listen! Without those medical supplies Murdock is dead, so it doesn’t matter what the risk is, now does it? (And then, mellow)
And, like you said: the worst that could happen I go to prison. Not exactly my idea of a little fun in the sun, but…the hours are regular, the food is palatable and there’s plenty of start in the shirts.


Besides. People very seldom look at what’s right under their nose. Right?

Face, now in uniform, enters the ranger station.

Unit fourteen to base. We checked all the perimeters, sir. No sign of anything, colonel! Over?
While Decker is on the radio, Face walks right behind him and enters the kitchen.

I want Baker and Charlies’ squad to search all along the south shore. And check those old boathouses. Out!

The phone is ringing. Captain Crane answers it.
Captain Crane.
He hands the phone over to Decker.
It’s major Danton, colonel.

Face is poring himself a cup of coffee.

Yes major? Three hours?
Checks his watch.
Good. I’ll arrange for helicopter transport waiting for you at the airbase to fly you and your men in.
He ends the phone call and beckons the ranger. Face is hiding behind his cup.
Come with me.
They leave.

Captain Crane hands the radiophone over to Face, without looking at him.

Captain Crane
Soldier! Get me sergeant Collins on the radio.

Face takes the phone, mumbles right! And assumes to be dialing. A soldier comes in to get captain Crane, they leave and Face is left alone in the station…He is not wasting time and takes the medical kit off the wall and puts it out of the window. Just moments later he approaches the van with it.

Face, you’re amazing! I can’t believe you pulled it off!
He hands her the kit and takes off the helmet.

Well, green always was my lucky color.

Decker (on the radio, talking to sergeant Collins)
Any sign of them?

Sergeant Collins
Negative, colonel! All units are conversing on my position. We’ll have a search pattern blanketing a radius of three miles around the cabin.

They can’t have gotten very far. Not with a wounded man. They’ve got to be in that area.

Sergeant Collins
We’ve had them in the area before, sir!

Flashback of one of Decker’s memories.
We see a building, surrounded by m.p. cars. There are a lot of soldiers around the building, all taking aim at it.
Inside the building we see the A-team, accompanied by a man, their client at the moment.

Decker (through a megaphone)
This is colonel Decker of the U.S. army. You are completely surrounded.

Ah, no kiddin’.

Give yourself up or I’ll flush the whole building and everyone inside of it right in the sewer.

I’d say Decker is crazy.

Decker IS crazy.

Do you want me to start blasting, Smith?

Well, Hannibal?

I’m thinking.

The soldiers fire shots at the building, everyone inside ducks.

Think faster, man!

Decker! This is Smith.
There’s a real barrage.
You got to cool out! We’ve got an innocent prisoner in here.

You come out or we come in. And you’re not gonna like it if we come in.
I’m giving you two minutes.

Captain Crane
It’s obvious, they really have no choice.

With anyone but colonel Hannibal Smith. With him, nothing is obvious.

Captain Crane
But what can he do?

We’ll find out (checks his watch) in about forty seconds.
It doesn’t even take that long for the A-team van to burst through the building wall. Decker and Crane follow in a squad car with its siren on. They speed down the road. At a crossing…

B.A., turn left here.
B.A. does so; they come along a sign saying BRIDGE OUT, CONSTRUCTION AHEAD.

Captain Crane
Oh, we have ‘em now, sir!

We’ve had them before.

The bridge is out, man! What are we gonna do?

Cross it. Better put the hammer down. Unless you want me to drive!
B.A. puts the hammer down.

Captain Crane
The bridge is just up ahead.

Where the A-team becomes the B-team.

The A-team van speeds up towards the bridge, which isn’t there! A worker tries to signal them to stop, but they don’t. Of course they don’t!

Captain Crane
They’re crazy!

The worker jumps aside and the van jumps over the gap, making it to the other side of the bridge, though not exactly in one piece… The squad car gets stuck on the bridges end. Hannibal gets out of the van and looks at Decker, who sticks his head out of the window and looks at Hannibal in impotent rage.

What’s the matter, Decker? No guts?

Enjoy it now, Smith!

Enjoy it? I love it!
He laughs.

End of Decker’s’ memories…

This time it’s checkmate!
He goes over to captain Crane, who is standing by the map on the wall, puzzled.

Captain Crane
I just can’t believe that one of the A-team would just walk in here and take that medical kit out literally while we were standing around watching, colonel.

If I have learned anything about the A-team, captain, it’s to expect the unexpected.

comes in, holding a receiver, which is beeping.
He salutes the colonel, who answers.
The signal is coming in perfectly. The homer in the medical kit will lead us right to the A-team!
They all smile at each other, considering themselves very smart.

We are back at the mine. Its camouflage is perfect. We hear B.A. talking, and while he does, we enter.

He’s burning up, Hannibal. He’s gonna die if we don’t get him to a hospital and get that wound cleaned out!
He is wiping the sweat of Murdocks face.

Hannibal hands B.A. a cartridge holder and puts one in his own pocket as well.

I’ll go back to the ranger station to try and find Face and Tawnia with those medical supplies.
He sighs.
If I don’t I’ll bring back Decker.
B.A. signs agreeing to him.

Murdock (exhausted)

Huh? Don’t you B.A. me, fool. I don’t want no crazy man calling my name! Always saying things that irritate me, dragging me on planes! I still owe you for the time…


Murdock (Squatting against a wall and talking to B.A. who is working on a switchboard of a plane, in
odd voice) Do you think the patient is going to make it, doctor?

How you ever gonna make it in the outside world. You keep making a fool out yourself.

I am thinking about a career in medicine.

The only thing you should be doing with medicine, is use ‘em for your head! How much time do we have?

‘Bout half a tank.

Suddenly the plane starts moving. Murdock almost falls down.

What’s this?

Eh…sounds like… noise.

B.A. Runs for the door to get off, Murdock tackles him.
I got to get out a here.

Murdock (Holding B.A. to the wall and taking a firm stand to keep him there)
Don’t! Do you wanna kill yourself?

If I gotta fly, I do!

The plane takes off; B.A. is literally paralyzed of fear. Murdock puts him upright against the wall and shines in B.A.’s eyes with a flashlight. He snaps his fingers in front of B.A.’s face.

Hello! Hello in there?
B.A. is not responding
Now B.A. involuntarily paralization is one of the primary symptoms of panic anxiety. So, just try to breathe deep.
Still no response.
Okay, forget deep…and just try to breathe.
In Freudian voice.
Trust me, I am an expert in my field!
He takes B.A.’s arm and sticks it up in the air, singing
Hold me roar, is that the get a kind a Choo Choo.
He jumps up, B.A.’s arm is still in the air.
Come on, man!
He slaps B.A. in the face.
Hannibal’s got this whole thing locked down!
B.A. if you can hear me, blink. Raise your eyebrow. Smirk, smile, wince…
Come on, B.A.! If you stay like this I’m gonna stand you in front of a bank holding a clock.
B.A. is still not responding and Murdock turns away from him, growling.

End of this flashback.

B.A. Panicking because Murdock doesn’t respond anymore.
Come on, Murdock! I ain’t gonna let you down, man! You’re my friend!
Murdock, come on!
(He shakes Murdock up).
I was just playing about that crazy bit. Come on buddy.

Hannibal, Face and Tawnia enter. Hannibal turns to B.A., mellow.
It’s all right, B.A. It’s gonna be all right.

Face at Tawnia
Grab the light!
She takes the lamp of the chest it is standing on and he puts the medical kit on it. He opens it.

After a look at Murdock, he turns to Face.
He’s too weak to be moved. We haven’t any choice.
Face looks worried and then nods.
I’ll have to get that slug out with everything it took in with it.
Hannibal takes his knife out of its sheath and hands it to Face.
Face gives Hannibal the bottle with antiseptic and he starts cleaning his hands with it. Then he returns the bottle to Face.

Hannibal, if not careful you’re gonna wind up killing him!

Face while cleaning the knife
He knows what he’s doing, Vietnam was a great teacher!

We haven’t got much time; Decker’s got this whole area covered. It won’t take him long to find us.

He is so right! As they speak, Decker and his man are coming close. The homers receiver lies beeping on Decker’s dashboard. He picks it up and looks at it.

Decker to Captain Crane
Less than five miles from here.

In the meantime Hannibal is trying to get to the bullet. Murdock is face down on the floor; B.A. and Tawnia hold lamps so Hannibal can see what he’s doing and Face is playing nurse. Murdock moans as Hannibal cuts his back to reach the bullet.

I can feel it!
(It’s clear: Murdock can feel it too!)
He hands Face his knife and Face gives him a pair of tweezers. After he’s got the bullet out, Hannibal pours antiseptic in the wound. Murdock pants in pain.

Decker and his men arrive at the spot where the beeper is telling them the A-team is. They get out of their cars and start searching. They find the van.

Captain Crane
There’s an old mine entrance here!

Back off.
He gets his megaphone out of his car.
Smith? It’s colonel Decker. You’re surrounded. I want you and Peck and Baracus and miss Baker, if she’s in there, to come out with your hands up. You have fifteen seconds.
He gets his gun from his holster and waits. Few seconds later, Hannibal shows up. Just him…

I have a wounded man in there! He needs immediate medical attention.

Move in!
As his men do so, he walks to Hannibal and disarms him.

Well, looks like you won, colonel.

I’d say that was inevitable, wouldn’t you? I want this man handcuffed!
Hannibal lets captain Crane do so.
Turn around, inside!

Decker follows Hannibal inside, his men follow. We see B.A and Tawnia standing next to Murdock. They’ve wrapped his face with bandage so he can’t be recognized.

Decker looking at Murdock
What’s the matter with Peck, here?

He‘s got some bad powder burns. A gun exploded in his face. And he’s got a shoulder wound, real bad!

Check him sergeant. I’m not in the mood for any tricks.

They all stand around watching while the sergeant checks on Murdock.

He’s in pretty bad shape, sir!

He needs blood.

Have this man moved to the A-team van.
And then, to Hannibal
You’re not hit. Why didn’t you fight your way out? After you, lieutenant-colonel Smith.
Hannibal leaves, followed by Decker, Tawnia and B.A.
Inside Face steps around a corner in the mine, still in uniform.

I got that, corporal. Make sure the van doors are open.
The corporal leaves and Face and a soldier pick up the portable.

Colonel, if you don’t mind…we’d like to ride with Face. He may not make it. We’d like to be there just in case.

Decker thinks about it, then sees no harm and grants their wish
Put them in the van.
They are put inside. Face and the soldier approach with the portable.

Face after they put the portable in the van
I’ll drive, you watch the prisoners… Right…
He gets in the van, quickly reverses it and stops just long enough to give Hannibal the opportunity to throw the soldier out. Then he pulls out.

What the…don’t let them get away!
Hannibal fires at the squad cars with a machinegun, Decker fires back at him with a handgun. When he and the soldiers want to get in their cars, it’s obviously no use. The tires are flat. The van disappears…Decker and captain Crane kneel by a car, disappointed and beaten.

A few weeks later, at the V.A.

Murdock, declaring Scandinavian sounding poetry. He’s in a strait waistcoat, squatting at a seat.
Washed a while a drink in the wild strawberries. I used to love visitors, colonel, I really do. You sure you won’t change your mind and stay for lunch. As if we’re having…eh…eh…pickles and a fruitini skins, salad and a Tapioca pudding stuffed with coconut flakes and on top of it a stewed prune. I love it. I just love it.

Decker compassionate
It would be in your best interest to help me find Smith and the others, son. Sometimes they come in here and break you out.

Murdock laughs in an insane way, then looks disturbed and angry
Lies… Lies... Unproven half-truths. Practically rumors. You see…it’s them… It’s them. They’re after me. There they are right now, you see?
He looks down.
Crawling up my leg.
I can’t even go to pick nicks anymore without them …following me.
He starts crying, Decker gets up and leaves. Murdock calls after him, in a begging tone.
Don’t go. Please don’t go! I need you. Colonel I need you!
He starts speaking Scandinavian again, louder and louder as Decker gets farther away. He stands on the seat.

Decker drives off and Murdock starts shouting.

He jumps of the seat he was standing on, controls if Decker is out of sight yet and dances to a nearby tree, singing in Scandinavian.

The tree he is dancing at hides the complete A-team!

Hannibal, you got to hand it to Decker. The man does try!

He gets an A for efford, but an F for results.
They laugh.

Still singing, dances up to B.A.
Hey, B.A. won’t you give me a hand and unbutton me buddy?

B.A. Angry.
No way fool! You can pound yourself upon the ground, and scratch your knees with your ears before I let you out of that!

Murdock not understanding, disappointed…
B.A. I thought we were friends! And I thought you carried me through the woods over your shoulder and looked into my pain filled eyes and helped me arising my strength…

What are you talking about, fool! I don’t remember none of that. You just a crazy man, seeing things that ain’t there.
He turns to the rest of the team and smiles at them.

We hear the song “opposites”.

Who said that opposites attract?
They’d probably think the world is flat!
‘Cause you and I are opposites,
and all we do is fight.

We see from different points of view.
You laugh at me, I laugh at you.
And we both know
two wrongs don’t make a right.

So I’m here at the junction
But this time it’s the end.
We’re opposites, we’re idiots
But we’re still friends.

Murdock follows B.A. and he looks at him. B.A. instantly looks angry again.

The end.

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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 10:01:48  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 33

Geregistreerd op: 30-5-2007
Berichten: 1089
Woonplaats: amsterdam

vet cool chopper!!!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson I Miss You 1958 - 2009
Ik doe verzoekjes (filmpjes maken) PM mij welke Tribute ik moet maken voor je ^_^
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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 11:38:36  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 5-5-2007
Berichten: 292
Woonplaats: Katwijk aan Zee

Ik dacht dat je alleen die 2 niet uitgezonden scripts had gekocht..? Maar deze is ook echt cool!

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The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 13:16:36  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
Berichten: 2018

Ik heb het script van Mexican Slayride in PDF versie maar ik weet niet hoe ik dat hier op moet krijgen. Kopieren naar Word is geen optie.
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht
BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 15:57:00  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 44

Geregistreerd op: 13-4-2007
Berichten: 1401

vet cool,prima


Face: Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 24-07-2007 17:02:09  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 18-1-2006
Berichten: 2768
Woonplaats: somewhere in orbit.

ninapiggy schreef:
Ik dacht dat je alleen die 2 niet uitgezonden scripts had gekocht..? Maar deze is ook echt cool!

Dit is en transcript dat is wat anders dan een script, een transcript is eigenlijk alleen de letterlijke tekst. In het script staan nog andere dingen volgens mij, maar ik heb de scripts nog niet in huis, dus geen idee hoe dat er van binnen uit staat.

Deze transcripts van bounty en curtain call heb ik zelf ook van internet gedownload.

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