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BerichtGeplaatst: 20-05-2006 14:47:01  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 35

Geregistreerd op: 22-2-2005
Berichten: 775
Woonplaats: Gullegem

GameSpy: So how did you get involved with Lords of EverQuest?

Claudia Black: I got a phone call from my agent saying, "You wanna get paid?" (laughs) But I tell you what. Art is about truth. If you're in the presence of a true artist, then what you get is the doggone truth. And they said "We're gonna cut you off our books unless you take this job." So I said, "Alrighty! I love Lords of EverQuest! Lords of EverQuest, get me some of that!" (laughs)

Dwight Schultz
GameSpy: Did you get to see much of Lords Of EverQuest before you signed on?

Dwight Schultz: Naw, you don't see anything. You never do. When I did the Battlestar Galactica game, they had a whole script, but I didn't get to see any of it. It just saw my lines.

Michael T. Weiss: But it's fun to come down and do these games because you never know what to expect, and it always kind of throws you into some kind of dark underworld that was created by some brainiac with a twisted imagination.

GameSpy: Kate, you're no stranger to video games. As someone who's done a few, what do you think of the medium itself, is it fun for you?

Kate Mulgrew: Oh, I thoroughly enjoy them because I like using my voice as an instrument to capture people's imaginations. Especially since it falls into a genre of which I am quite fond, science fiction.

GameSpy: So what did you think about playing a 182-year-old woman? I mean, she looks like's she's only about 30…

Kate Mulgrew: …but that's the most important part, if they look 30. If they look 30, I will go as old as 500 years, that's the payoff. The voice is old, but the physicality is young. I think that's part of the magic of this game.

GameSpy: Dwight, you've done voice work on a number of games. How was this experience different than the work you did on such games as Final Fantasy X, Blood Wake, and Tenchu 2?

Dwight Schultz: Well, it's different in that the dialogue is a lot better than Final Fantasy. Most of the time, the satisfaction you get has to do with the dialogue and the character. And sometimes they're very generic and there's nothing there to play, and then other times they're written very well.

Claudia Black
GameSpy: Claudia and Dwight, you've both done games in which you did the voice of a character you had originally played on TV. How was this experience different?

Claudia Black: Oh, I suppose it's easier in this. Well, there's pressure both ways because in Farscape there's a certain level of expectation because the fans know the character. But then, maybe they're more forgiving. Whereas with EverQuest, there's an expectation for the fans of EverQuest who may not know me, and they expect me to do what other actors have done before on these games.

Dwight Schultz: For me, doing Barkley's voice in Star Trek: Elite Force was much easier. With Barkley, they would ask me, "How would Barkley say this?" and would let me improvise how I thought the character would say the line.

Claudia Black: If it's possible, I think I overacted more on this than I did on the Farscape game. It's weird working in a vacuum and not having interaction from other performers. God knows I could have completely missed the mark. But at least with Farscape I knew the character. With this one, I just sort of took a stab in the dark.

GameSpy: Was there anything in the sessions that surprised you guys?

Michael T. Weiss: No. These worlds are so much fun to play in. You really get your imagination going, and it's just fun to bring to life to a world that doesn't really exist because then anything goes.

GameSpy: So are you guys into video games yourselves?

Dwight Schultz: I've been into video games all my life. I had the original Atari, and now we've got a PlayStation. My first computer was a Commodore 64, and I had all the games for that, but now I only allow myself one game: Medal of Honor. I can't play games that I'm involved with, though I do like to watch my daughter play Spider-Man. We used to play against each other but we had too many fights. But yeah, Medal of Honor is the only game that I allow myself.

Claudia Black: I actually learned how to shoot guns for Farscape by playing Time Crisis, though I'm such a wimp that it was hard to keep the gun up all the time. I also dug House Of The Dead. Anthony Simcoe [Ka D'Argo on Farscape], he was a big gamer, and he and Ben [Browder, Commander John Robert Crichton, Jr. on Farscape] would play this James Bond one that was actually really cool, Goldeneye, and I would play that with them sometimes.

GameSpy: How about you, Kate?

Kate Mulgrew: I cannot tell a lie … no I don't. You won't hold that against me will you?

Michael T. Weiss
GameSpy: Nah.

Kate Mulgrew: I raised three kids, and I lived in a world of video games, and all I could do at night was to pray to god for a big martini and a break from the whole mess….

GameSpy: Ha!

Kate Mulgrew: Yes. But that's the truth: I am technologically a midget.

GameSpy: So I think it's safe to say Kate's kids will be proud of their mom. How about the rest of you? Who's going to be most excited when they find out you're a character in Lords of EverQuest?

Michael T. Weiss: Oh man, I got a nephew that is just going to go nuts. It's just cool when you say to someone who's into this stuff, "Hey, I was Lord Kadian in Lords of EverQuest." "No way, dude!"

Dwight Schultz: My daughter is already asking me, "When are you getting the game, Dad?" "Are they sending you the game?" She just loves games if I have a voice in it. She likes taking them over to her friends' house and making them figure out which character is me.•

stem voor Toon Hermans:
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BerichtGeplaatst: 17-10-2006 19:37:28  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 18-1-2006
Berichten: 2768
Woonplaats: somewhere in orbit.

Wie zich afvraag wat Ava Schultz de dochter van Dwight en Wendy uitspookt. Ava doet op dit moment een opleiding tot journaliste aan de Columbia University Of Journalism

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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-06-2007 19:08:05  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 44

Geregistreerd op: 13-4-2007
Berichten: 1401

Echt cool intervieuws
vind ik wel leuk


Face: Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-06-2007 19:13:55  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 33

Geregistreerd op: 30-5-2007
Berichten: 1089
Woonplaats: amsterdam

nou zo blijft ava ook uit de publiciteit Confused als ze die opleiding doet
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The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 07-07-2007 22:15:18  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
Berichten: 2018

Hier een ander interview met Dwight.

Howling Mad Murdock, The A-Team's daredevil pilot and refugee from a mental ward, slips in and out of personalities as deftly as a juggler tosses oranges. One moment he's a suicide squad leader, the next, a "dese, dem, and dose" mobster, then an uppercrust Englishman. His penchant for the perposterous even wears down B.A., played by the formidable Mr. T.

It takes a while to realize that Dwight Schultz, 32, the preppy-looking fellow with the serious expression, wearing a blue blazer with gold buttons and rimless glasses, is the lunatic on The A-Team, the most popular new show of the past TV season.

"As a child, I always loved sound and voices," Schultz says. "Very early on, I'd go to a movie, come back and imitate everything and everybody. I'd sit with a box of clay and make monsters and people, and I'd do the voices for everybody."

The Baltimore native soon outgrew his attraction for clay theater, but his attraction to acting increased. "For one year," he says, "I spent every night listening to Olivier's 'Othello' just to learn how to speak." His admiration for Olivier eventually led to an active exchange of letters between the two. The subject? Theater, of course. Schultz treasures the products of this spontaneous correspondence school course in the dramatic arts.

Schultz did serious acting en route to the wacky A Team, a sort of Robin Hood (George Peppard) and his Merry Men. He earned a degree in theater arts from Towson State University in Maryland, then worked in productions on and off Broadway. He appeared in plays by Sam Shepard, Tom Stoppard, and David Mamet; co-stars included Maggie Smith and Glenn Close. His zanier side began to emerge in a cabaret act he tried out in 1978 in Williamstown, Mass. An NBC talent scout saw him there and soon a tape of Schultz impersonating writer Truman Capote and other celebrities was on its way to Hollywood. "I later heard that the tape was circulating at parties."

What kept Schultz out of circulation for a while was his tendency to choke up in the clutch. "I'm the world's worst auditioner," he says, though he did get parts on Hill Street Blues and CHiPs.

When NBC's A Team came along, madman Murdock seemed like the perfect part for Schultz, the man of a thousand faces: "I looked at the character and said, 'My God, I could do anything with this part!' It was fun, it was witty, and I laughed out loud when I read it."

Howling Mad's invisible dog, Billy, first "appeared" when the show's pilot was being filmed. "Billy began as an improvisation," says the actor. "It just came out. It seemed right that Murdock would have an imaginary pet."

In 1971, Schultz concentrated on other animals, not necessarily the man's-best-friend species. "I worked for New York's bureau of pest control." He was also a waitor, sold air purifiers door to door and slept on a couch in a railroad apartment. Then came The A Team, which debuted last Jan. 23.

"All of a sudden, business managers, press agents and other people are coming after you because they follow the money. It's so fast, and you're trying to figure out, What's happening? Where am I? Who are my friends?

"You need time," sighs Schultz, who took time to marry actress Wendy Fulton, 24, last June. They met a few years ago in New York, and, says the bridegroom, "It was love at first sight.

"It's a fairy tale," he adds. "One year we were poor. The next year I was on The A Team and Wendy was in Bare Essence. She played the part of Muffin. A friend of ours was a story editor on St. Elsewhere, so the three of us had back-to-back series on the same network on the same night."

Says prime-time's most popular certifiable lunatic: "I've been very lucky. I'm ecstatic about the part. I couldn't have asked for a better TV role. Murdock can do anything. He can be crazy. He can be serious." But probably not as serious as Schultz is about Murdock's craziness.
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 13:28:00  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 38

Geregistreerd op: 8-2-2007
Berichten: 760
Woonplaats: Sprang-capelle (N-B)

Ik heb nog een interview gevonden Very Happy


Face:"I’m allergic to bullets. Especially those headed in my direction"
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The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 13:40:00  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
Berichten: 2018

Ja, het feit dat Melinda plots vertrok uit de serie, werd nooit echt uitgelegd...
Wel; het feit dat ze ontslagen werd, is grotendeels haar eigen schuld. Ze was niet langer meer tevreden met haar oorspronkelijke rol, en drong aan om haar personage om te vormen tot een commando. We konden haar jammer genoeg niet overtuigen dat The A-Team een mannenserie was en dat ze beter zichzelf bleef. Dit was de gekende succesformule en het was belangrijk om die zo te houden. Waar ik voor vreesde, gebeurde echter ook. Melinda werd de laan uit gestuurd, omdat ze bleef lastig doen tegenover de producers en scenaristen. Ik vond dit zeer jammer, want ik had haar graag. Ze benadeelde niet alleen haar carrière, maar berokkende eveneens schade aan de show. Melinda's personage Amy maakte deel uit van de originele cast en hoorde er nu eenmaal bij. Na haar vertrek kregen we nog 2 andere actrices, maar dit mislukte. Melinda had een slimme en moderne uitstraling; terwijl haar vervangsters eerder bimbo's leken.

Wat ik hier dus niet aan snap is dat Dwight zegt: ''Na haar vertrek kregen we nog 2 andere actrices, maar dit mislukte.'' Na Amy kan ik alleen Tawnia aanwijzen...
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 14:34:50  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 18-1-2006
Berichten: 2768
Woonplaats: somewhere in orbit.

Volgens mij doelde hij op het meisje dat in seizoen4 in the sound of thunder meespeelde als de dochter van Fulbright. In eerste instantie was het de bedoeling dat zij na seizoen4 het nieuwe vrouwelijke A-team lid zou worden maar omdat deze actrice nog een ander contract had lopen waar zij niet onderuit kon ging dat niet door en werd seizoen5 met frankie en stockwell geschreven.

The Official Dwight Schultz Fansite

Official Facebook:
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht
The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 15:15:53  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
Berichten: 2018

Wat leuk is om te weten is dat het plan was om uiteindelijk 7 seizoenen te maken!
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 15:39:14  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 38

Geregistreerd op: 8-2-2007
Berichten: 760
Woonplaats: Sprang-capelle (N-B)

Jaaa Wink zo kom je nog eens wat te weten


Face:"I’m allergic to bullets. Especially those headed in my direction"
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The Survivor
BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 15:41:58  Reageer met quote


Geregistreerd op: 28-12-2006
Berichten: 2018

Maar ik weet niet of dat, ondanks de schrijvers en de tegenwerking van NBC gelukt zou zijn. George zag er, vind ik, in seizoen 5 al redelijk oud en vermoeid uit. Ik denk niet dat het nog geloofwaardig zou zijn geweest om na serie 5 nóg twee seizoenen te maken.
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Bekijk gebruikers profiel Stuur privé bericht

BerichtGeplaatst: 20-07-2007 15:55:52  Reageer met quote

Leeftijd: 44

Geregistreerd op: 13-4-2007
Berichten: 1401

Ik heb net gelezen en ken ik al verhaal,ik heb ergens gelezen bij de google van Dwight Schultz. 1 ding,Ik snap het niet waarom is Melinda is eigen schuld verlaat uit the a-team!


Face: Don't you smile at me like that. That's not even a real smile. It's just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!
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